One step closer, two steps far from you (pt.4)

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*picture is not mine* Enjoy!




Pain again.

Ladybug, sad eyes.

Volpina, fire eyes.




White, oh god, white.

I will help you hurt those who hurt you.


Don't fight me, young super hero.


Ladybug, hopeless Ladybug.

End of the world.



Pain again.

"I love you, Chat Noir."

Adrien jolted awake, gasping for air. He was sweating and every part of his body felt like it was burning. He remembered nothing, only fragments and those where dark, something he didn't want to look backwards to. He knew only one thing-he had been akumatized. Why? Why did he let his feelings go beyond disappointed which is something he felt ever day?

He found himself in a comfy bed, in a normal and random looking house-it only looked Chinese. Besides him rested a tray with herbal tea and a couple of odd looking bread, clearly one he'd never seen before. His silver ring rested on the tray, the light hitting it beautifully. Adrien tried to get out of bed, his body immediately protesting as he groaned and pulled himself back.

"You're awake." A voice said. Adrien turned around to find his kwami, Plagg, hover on top of the bed. He looked strange, he looked darker than usual, and not emotionally. Plagg looked tired and he wasn't snapping at Adrien, protesting him about how never get akumatized again and he wasn't eating Camembert. What was wrong with him? "You scared me, Adrien."

"I don't remember anything." He lied, he only remember fragments. Simple fragments. "What happened after I got akumatized? Why weren't you there?"

Plagg sighed and rested in front of Adrien, using the white covers as a cave. "Nobody can interfere your conversation with Hawkmoth. I don't remember much as well before that. I just know that suddenly all the villains Paris has ever seen working for Lady Misfortune and-"

He blinked. "Lady Misfortune?"

Plagg sighed as Master Fu opened the door to the bedroom. Adrien's heart hammered as Master Fu sat carefully on the stool next to his bed and applied an ice cloth over his forehead. Behind him, a bee like lady and a fox lady stared at him, filled with hate and sympathy, filled with confusion, regret and pity.

"Ladybug." Volpina said, at the edge of tears. He noticed it was Volpina over the similarities her suit looked with the other Volpina. If she was with Master Fu, then that meant she was the real one, the one that would help them. "Lady Misfortune is Ladybug. She got akumatized yesterday, and you've been asleep since then. We thought you were in a comma."

Adrien blinked again. "What happened?"

The bee like lady sighed. "Ladybug thought that kissing you, you'd return to your normal self and everything would go back to normal, that's what we thought. She didn't tell us anything or what the plan was. She forgot one detail, Chat Blanc akumatized everybody he touched. By your lips touching, she got akumatized and now Paris works under her. I tried with my bees to get a glimpse of what Paris looked like, nothing good. Lady Misfortune hasn't showed her powers at all. It makes you wonder."

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