Balcony (Marichat special) pt. 1

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So, I forgot this whole balcony scene I wanted to put it, so here it is! You might notice something was missing in Wonderland, so here it is. I promised I'd include the four ships, so here is Marichat.

Marinette yelped as Chat Noir appeared on her balcony, pouting at her and snickering in a flirtatious way. She locked eyes with the black cat as he gently stepped down the railing and played with his stick. "Marinette."

She nodded. "Chat Noir."

He paced uncomfortable in the room until he finally let go. He started crying. She opened her eyes wide, sure, Chat Noir seemed manly enough by not crying, but she never thought he could be so fragile. She didn't react at first, she was haunted. What would she do? What would she say? She sighed and walked towards him, even if he was her annoying sidekick, Marinette never wondered how broken he could be behind the mask. 

Mask and smiles, same damn thing.

"Are you okay, kitty?" She asked him, fixing her eyes on his tears. It'd been the first time she'd seen Chat Noir cry, the first time she'd ever seen a boy cry. 

He shook his head, and out of nowhere, he embraced her. Marinette gasped and realized she fit perfectly well on his arms. It was like he was assuring her not the other way around. He smelled like leather and lemons and the way he cried made Marinette's heart crack. She broke apart and stared into his deep eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asked brushing a tear quickly with her thumb.

He shook his head. "I shouldn't be here, forget it."

"No, now you tell me." Marinette said, his eyes flickering pain. She moved and put a hand on his shoulder. "You can trust me."

"You shouldn't see me like this." He said, swinging his legs across the railing. "I should go."

Marinette grabbed his wrist and yanked him back. He fell into the floor and observed her, his eyes wide. She sat legs crossed in the floor, Chat Noir in front of him and offered him a smile. He wouldn't meet her eyes. Marinette stared at him, the way his shoulders were leaked back, his eyes lowered to the ground, his hands shaking and his eyes wild with thoughts. 

"Talking helps." She suggested, scooting closer to the nervous cat. "If you want I could start talking."

He looked lost. "You don't know what's happened to me."

Marinette shrugged. "I could talk about many other things and once I talk I can't stop. You can ask my friend, Alya, sometimes I annoy her so much-oh, like this one time she had to put tape around my mouth for me to shut up about talking of my designs-which I think are super great, not that I like to brag, but I love to do so and-"

He managed a smile. "You're good at talking."

She nudged his ribs. "I'm good at annoying people, it's a talent."

He sighed and looked at he horizon of Paris, dusk taking over. "Let's say I had some trouble and home, you have no idea how horrible it is not to feel love. My family-it's broken, and I'm the destructer, my powers is that. I can't do anything but destroy, in battles I'm useless and I'd be nothing without Ladybug."

Her heart dropped.

"Don't say that."

"What do you want me to say?" He asked spinning around to face her. "Everybody knows I'm just Ladybug's shadow, then things at home are worse than ever and manage to always stay positive, not caring about anything in the world. What's your secret?"

Marinette laughed and looked away from his depressed face only for a moment. "I stay close to the people I love. Maybe things at home aren't that good, talk to friends on the phone or invite them to your house, ignore the world-that's what I do. I'm starting to be very good at it and I'm sure if you talk deeply with Ladybug, she will apologize for making you feel like your her shadow 'cause your not."

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