What became of her

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Sabine had become nervous when Marinette didn't return for a couple of days.

When an old man came, stating he knows his daughter well, just terrified her. Where was her child? Her little princess? Was she fine? Was she running away because she had an argument with Adrien? The news was everywhere, Gabriel Agreste-who had gone missing- child had jumped off the Eiffel Tower. As much as people wanted to believe it was an attempt suicide, Isabella Agreste stated Adrien was fine, not corrupted.

The hospital had to put him in comma in order for him to survive. 

If not, his internal bleeding would grow and every vital organ in his body would malfunction.

Sabine thought her daughter knew about this, maybe it was the reason why Marinette didn't return home, why she left. 

Master Fu sat down in their couch and sighed, shaking his head. "I have no idea how to tell this to you."

Sabine reached out for her husband's hand and squeezed it. He squeezed it back. "We just want to know if our daughter is safe."

"She's not." Master Fu said, scaring both of their hearts they moved together in sync. They stared a the old man abruptly. "I'm sorry, she's not anything at all right now. I must tell you, your daughter is bigger than you might think. I gave her the miraculous. For a short amount of time, it gave her the power to transform into Ladybug. She was Ladybug. She was the one that helped Paris and saved it from those tormented villains and the main villain, the one that created all those before him, was Hawkmoth. He-he was Adrien's father. Adrien is Chat Noir."

Sabine shivered. "Why are you talking like she's not here anymore?"

Master Fu sighed, unable to continue. "Because she's not. Adrien was so stubborn in trying to get revenge for his father, Marinette, so madly in love with him, had no choice but to carry with his choice. For a moment, I thought they were going to win, that those old super heroes didn't need any extra help, one which I could give."

"My daughter." Tom said, his other hand forming into a fist. "Where is she?"

"Up with the angels." Master Fu replied softly. "Marinette died by falling from a great distance. Hawkmoth had nothing to do with it, it was she that jumped out of the edge thinking Adrien was already dead. She did it because of him."

Sabine started to cry. Marinette, her only daughter and her whole world, was gone, snatched quicker than anything she'd seen. She wanted her daughter back but she mostly wanted revenge on Gabriel as well. If she found him, Sabine would make sure she had a knife in her hand.


Adrien was the one to blame. If he hadn't fell before Marinette, her daughter wouldn't have jumped. She would've still be here.

"If she's Ladybug," Tom said, tears stirring in his eyes as he denied his daughter's death. "Isn't there a way she might have survived? Have you checked?"

"Hawkmoth has the place on lock down." Master Fu informed, shifting positions. "My other super heroes are guarding his maze but if they can't get inside, we can only assume Marinette fell not as Ladybug, but as her true from and her kwami didn't have enough energy to change back before the ground hit her."

Sabine shook her head. This was all too much. "Adrien? How come he survived?"

"At difference to Marinette, Adrien hit the ground as Chat Noir and changed to Adrien a few seconds later. If it hadn't been for that, he would be up there with your daughter."

Sabine choked back a sob. "If Adrien woke up, would that make a difference to your opinion if Marinette is dead or not?"

"Certainly," replied Master Fu. "But the surgeons have told us there must be at least four months until Adrien wakes up. If Marinette is still alive down there, her injuries would be too much and if Adrien has internal bleeding, it is most likely she would. A human can't survive with internal bleeding for four months."

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