Chapter Three (Meeting her)

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Mom, Dad, Rocky, Ryland, and I walked through the doors to the house. Riker was in the living room sitting on the couch.

"Hey," he said sounding kind of nervous.

"Hey," I said right back to him. "What's up?"

He bit his lip. "We have a visitor..."

"Who," my mom asked.

Riker looked down nervously and said. "I'll just go get her and Ross. Stay right here!"

He left the room and ran upstairs.

I turned to the others.

"What does he mean by 'her'," Rocky asked.

I shrugged. "Who knows? I wonder if he finally got over Laura."

My dad spoke up. "Speaking of Laura, I read something on the Internet about her a few hours ago. Not sure if it's true though."

I crinkled my eyebrows. "What did it say?"

He sighed. "Well..."

"Alright, I'm back," Riker interrupted as he walked into the room.

"Where's Ross and that girl," Ryland asked.

Riker gestured to the stairs. "They'll be right down. Now listen, before they get down here, I need to warn you guys about something."

"What," I asked.

"She's not mentally stable. She's very suicidal and could burst any minute."

I swear all of our jaws dropped to the ground.

"Why would you bring her into our house? If she's like that, she needs rehab," my mom yelled.

He shrugged. "That's what I said, but Ross really wanted to help her."

"Wow," I said. "He must really care about her."

Riker nodded and sighed, plopping himself back on the couch. "Yep. You'd think after six years, his feelings would've changed."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Wait what?"

Before Riker could say anything else, I heard footsteps on the stairs.

We turned our heads towards them and watched as Ross came into our view. When he saw us, he seemed to all of a sudden get nervous. He started walking towards us.

"Where's the girl," I asked.

He looked behind him. "You coming," he asked, looking as if he was talking to air.  "Don't worry," he said. "We don't bite."

No answer.

He sighed and walked back over to the staircase.

"Come on," I heard him whisper. "They already know you. They won't hurt you."

I raised one eyebrow. We knew her?

He put out his hand and we watched as a petite hand, almost half his size, came into view and hesitantly placed it in Ross's.

My eyes widened and I watched as Ross led a girl that I hadn't seen in years, into the room.

My jaw dropped.


She didn't say anything. She just stared at the ground with no emotion.

I looked at Riker. This was the girl he was talking about?! The girl he said was suicidal and depressed?! But before she left for New York to start her singing career, she was so positive, so cheery. How could she have changed into the complete opposite throughout this amount of time?

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