Chapter Thirty (Things Get Worse Before They Get Better)

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"Hello Ms. Marano. Thanks for coming in. I heard you have been experiencing nausea and loss of appetite for the past month now."

I nodded. "Yep. Sometimes it's increase in appetite though. And I didn't get my period two weeks ago so I don't have a clue what's going on!"

"Is there a possibility you could be pregnant?"

I shook my head. "No, I became infertile due to a stabbing near my abdomen. The nurse in the ER said so."

Doctor Sullivan nodded. "Of course. Well, if it's not pregnancy than I'd say that you caught a very major stomach bug that may have had some very big symptoms. By the way, if your infertile, you shouldn't be having your period anyway so there's nothing irregular about that."

I bit my lip. "You think I could just have a big stomach bug? After feeling like this for so long?"

She shrugged. "Sometimes after big illnesses, your body can create intolerance to some foods. How about you lay off dairy for a week and come back to tell me how you feel."

Sighing, I stood up. "Alright, I'll do that."

She stood up to shake my hand.

"Until then."

I shook back. "Yep. Thanks for seeing me."

"No problem Laura," she said smiling.

I walked out of the room and right into Ross.

"So..." He started. "What'd she say?"

I sighed. "Like everyone's been saying. Stomach flu."

He smiled encouragingly. "I'm sorry this was such a bust."

I shook my head. "It wasn't. I'm gonna lay off of dairy for a week, doctor's orders, and I'll see how I feel."

He leaned down and pecked my lips. "You're a trooper. If I felt nauseous every day for this long, I'd just want to kill myself."

I slapped his arm. "Hey, we don't talk like that anymore, remember!"

He snickered. "Sorry."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Today's kindergarten sign-ups, correct?"

He nodded. "Yep, Aggy and Rydel are waiting in the car for us to head to the school."


Ross looked at me concerned. "You sure you'll be able to make it through the sign-up process without hurling?"

I shrugged. "Beats me. But I'm not going to miss this. She's my daughter too."

Smiling, Ross wrapped his hand around my waist. "I love you, you know that?"

I laughed. "You tell me every day."

He pecked my lips again. "Come on, we should get going."

He led me down the short hallway and out the door.

We headed outside and to our car.

Ross came to the driver's side with me and opened the door.

I climbed in, buckled up and closed the door as Ross made his way to the driver's side.

"So," I heard Rydel ask from the back seat. "Anything new?"

I sighed. "Nope."

"Are you sick?" Aggy asked.

Before I could answer, Ross interrupted. "No. She isn't sick, she's just... tired and dizzy."

Delly looked down and muttered, "Sounds sick to me."

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