Chapter 40 (The Beginning of an Old Problem)

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Riker and I took a ferry across Bermuda and in only twenty minutes made it to  Hamilton, one of the tourist's biggest shopping attractions.

We searched many stores and though we found rings, we couldn't find the perfect one.

After searching dozens of stores, Riker finally said, "I'm calling Rydel. We need some girl help."


As Vanessa, Rydel, and I got off the bus, we stopped to catch our breath.

The ride there had been pretty scary.

The driver drove on the left side of the road instead of the right and the roads were so narrow it freaked us out when cars would pass us.

Once we were able to breathe again, Vanessa pointed down the hill in front of us. "There! We have to walk down there to get to the beach."

I nodded in agreement. "Okay. Let's go."

We walked down the hill and into the sand. It was completely white.

We walked past the bathrooms and the ice cream shop and headed towards the water.

I laid my stuff down twenty feet from the water and took a look at the incredibly blue ocean.

Waves were coming up the shore and creating foam as they became smaller and smaller.

"This is beautiful," I awed turning towards Rydel and Vanessa.

Ness nodded. "Man Laur, you were right. This is absolutely wonderful."

Rydel held up her stuff. "Vanessa and I have to change. What about you?"

"I got my bathing suit on underneath my clothes," I answered. "But I'll go with you guys over there. I'm going to buy myself some ice cream."

Leaving everything of mine but my wallet and phone behind, we headed over to the bathroom area.

As they went to go change, I bought a small $2 cup of chocolate ice cream.

It seemed like Dells and Ness were in their forever before they came out, especially because I had started and finished my ice cream in the long amount of time they were in there.

When they finally came walking out together, they came towards me.

"What took you so long?"

Before they could answer, Rydel's phone rang, and taking it out from her pocket, she answered.

"Hello," she said into the phone.

Her eyes widened. "Mom had an accident?! What kind of accident?"

Her jaw dropped. "We'll be right there."

She hung up.

"What happened, " I asked worried.

"Riker just called," Delly said. "Apparantly Mom had a terrible accident.

My eyes widened. "Oh my goodness. What happened?"

She hesitated. "She uh... fell off a small cliff."

My mouth dropped open. "Is she okay?"

"She will be. But Ness and I have to go help her!"

I bit my lip. "What about me?"

"You should stay," Vanessa said.

I was confused. Why would she want me to stay away from my hurt family?

"Oh my gosh," I heard a female say from behind me. "That's Laura Marano."

Another girl said, "I thought she was dead."

I turned around and before I could realize it,  a huge crowd of boys and girls surrounded me and pens and paper were thrown in my face.

"Laura," some yelled. "Can I have an autograph?"

Others yelled, "I can't believe you're here. I can't believe you're alive."

I turned around to look for Vanessa and Rydel but they had already left.

I plastered a smile on my face and started signing my name on papers.

"Laura," a girl in the front yelled as if she were way in the back. "When are you going to start your career back up."

I shrugged. "I might not. It's not really what I love anymore."

"What do you love? Ross Lynch."

I nodded.

The girl laughed. "He's an idiot. He's obviously just pretending to love you."

I tried to smile. "No, he's not. He's the most loving person ever!"

The girl looked around. "Then where is he? In fact, where is your family? If they really loved you, wouldn't they want to be with you every second of every day the rest of their lives?"

My smile diminished almost instantly.

A girl beside this one pushed her out of the way. "You're a hater," she said to her. "Get out of here right now. Laura is loved by so many people so stop treating her like she's not."

I appreciated her comment but it didn't really help boost my mood.

The little hater was right.  I didn't think anyone loved me.

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