Chapter Nineteen (The Plan)

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I gathered everyone of my family members including Vanessa into the room.

"Guys, we have a problem!"

"What is it," Rocky asked.

Everyone looked around.

Vanessa crinkled her eyebrows. "Where's Laura?"

I sighed. "That's the problem. Turns out, Dallas isn't dead!"

Everyone gasped. "He died?! When was this?!"

I raised my hand in the air out of shock. "She didn't tell you guys?"

They shook their heads.

"Oh," I said stoically. "Well, Laura thought she killed him a few weeks ago. Turns out, she didn't and now he's after her for his revenge!"

Vanessa stood up. "What the hell is that bitch going to do to her?!"

Riker held her arm and pulled her down.

"Nothing, if I have something to say about it," I declared.

Everyone was silent.

"Well, do you," Vanessa asked.

I looked down. "Not necessarily. But I do know what Dallas is planning to do and when."

"What is he planning to do? When?" Vanessa asked nervously.

I gulped. "He's planning to kill her... tonight... at the beach!"

Vanessa's eyes widened. "What?!?! How'd you find out about this?"

I bit my lip. "When Laura left yesterday, she forgot to take her phone with her. When I found it in her room, I checked it out and I saw Dallas had been texting her and she agreed to meet him at the beach tonight as long as he does nothing to us."

"Well," Vanessa asked. "What are we going to do?"

"You guys are going to search around town, try and find her before she heads to the beach. I would like one of you guys to stay here to keep an eye out, watch to see if she might come back."

My mom raised her hand. "Your dad and I will stay here and keep watch."

I nodded. "Alright!"

Riker spoke up. "Wait, Ross, what are you going to do?"

I clenched my fists. "I'm going to head to the beach. I want teach this Dallas character a lesson."

"Alright, we all better hurry though," Riker pointed out. "It's 9:30, almost 10:00."

We heard a knock on the door.

Vanessa stood up and ran to the door. "Laura," she asked as she opened the door. "Oh... it's you."

Ratliff walked in the house. "Nice to see you too?"

He walked up to Rydel. They hugged and quickly pecked eachothers lips.

"So, what's up," he asked.

"Laura's in trouble," Rydel answered. "And we're gonna help her."

Ratliff nodded. "Alright. Sounds exciting."

I raised my eyebrows. "What would you think if it was Delly who was going to be killed... at a beach... at ten o'clock?! Would you still think it was exciting?!"

"Ross!!" my mom yelled.

I closed my eyes in frustration, counted to ten, and calmed myself down a little bit.

I opened my eyes. "Sorry guys," I apologized. "This is just really hard for me."

"No dude," Ratliff said. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been joking about something like this."

"It's alright," I said forgivingly. "Let's just. forget about this and go find my Laura!" 


It was really dark out and I was getting closer to the beach. It looked like it was about ten out so I didn't really bother to try and wait.

When I got there, I saw a familiar looking car near me

The door opened and He hopped out.

I gulped. He walked up to me. "Why hello, Miss Marano."

I looked down. "Hey Dallas."

"Look up at me when I'm talking to you!"

I bit my lip and looked at him.

"You're looking at me as if I'm a ghost. Yeah, the doctors saved me before I was completely gone. Don't worry. I didn't tell them you were the one who hurt me. I didn't want you arrested. I wanted you alive and free so I could kill you on my own hand."

He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a knife.

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