Chapter Eighteen (Realization)

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When I woke up the next day, it was very light out.

Aggy was leaning on me.

Without hurting, I carefully took her off of me and leaned her up against the trashcans.

I stood up and looked down at the little girl.

I couldn't help but feel bad. This little girl didn't have a home. She doesn't have a family. She doesn't have food or drinks or anything that she can live off of for much longer.

She was an adorable little angel too.

Maybe, if I get to see one of the Lynches before I die, I'll tell them about her and she'll finally be able to live somewhere happily.

Aggy held onto her legs and cuddled up in a ball.

She looked cold.

I undid my jacket, took it off, and gently placed it on Aggy.

I sighed as I got ready to leave.


I turned back to her.

She was barely awake but she was staring up at me.


She yawned. "Are you leaving already?"

I nodded. "Yes, Sweetie, I am."

She looked down and whispered, "I'll miss you," just loud enough that I could hear her.

I bit my lip. "I'll miss you too."

"So, I won't ever see you again," she asked.

I shrugged. "You never know."

But I did know.

I'd never see anyone again.

"Mommy," she asked softly.

"Yes, Aggy?"

"Can I get a goodbye kiss?"

I smiled. "Sure, Honey."

I knealt down in front of her and kissed her forehead. "Get some more sleep, okay?"

She nodded as she started drifting off again.

I felt a tear force itself out of my eye.

Leaving Earth for Heaven or Hell, may be harder than I thought.


I woke up on the couch.

It was bright out.

I looked at my phone.

It was four in the afternoon.

How did I sleep this late?

I yawned and carefully and sleepily sat up.

"Good morning, Sleepy Head!"

I looked up. Rydel was standing in front of me with a muffin in her hands.

"Delly," I asked. "Did Laura come home last night?"

She shrugged. "Not sure. Why don't you check her room?"

I nodded. "Good idea."

I got up off the couch and walked up the stairs and to her room.

I knocked on the door.

No one answered.

I turned the doorknob and invited myself in.

Laura wasn't in there.

I rolled my eyes but took a few more steps into the room anyway.

A bright glare coming from on her bed caught my eye.

I walked over to it.

It was her phone!

So that's why she didn't answer any of my texts or calls!

Hmm... I still wonder where she is though.

I miss her. And I'm nervous for her.

I stuffed Laura's phone in my pocket and headed downstairs.

Rydel was in the kitchen, still eating her muffin.


I shook my head. "She wasn't up there. But I found her phone."

Rydel looked up at the ceiling. "Maybe, she just needs a break from everything for a day. I'm sure she'll be back by tonight."

I felt a buzz coming from my pants pocket.

I pulled Laura's phone out and saw she was getting a message from an unknown number.

I subconsciously, opened it up and read: "You still coming tonight, right?"

I crinkled my eyebrows. Where's she going tonight?

I clicked a button to read all the text history from this number.

When I read the texts, I felt my

stomach grow weak.

"Um... Rydel," I told her hesitantly as I handed her the phone. "Look at this!"

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