Chapter Thirty-Three (A New Beginning)

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~Eight Days Later~
"Can I see your room key please?"
I gave it to the security man.
He swiped it through a slot on a picture reader and looked at me strangely.
I crinkled my eyebrows. "Is something wrong?"
He shook his head. "No. It's just, you're Laura Marano, successful international performer until about two months ago."
I smiled smugly. "I needed a break to spend time with the people that care about me."
He nodded. "Good choice. You're career and your attitude was only shrinking as you kept performing."
"Excuse me?"
He put his hands up in surrender. "Sorry. English is not my first language. Did I offend you?"
I sighed. "No. Nothing can really offend me anymore."
He just nodded and stared.
The silence got awkward so I asked, "Where are you from..." I looked at his name tag. "Pablo?"
He smiled as if he was glad I asked. "I am from Indonesia. Every staff person on the Royal Caribbean is from a different country."
"Pablo," a man five feet away yelled, "Keep the line coming!"
Pablo hesitated and gave my room key back to me. "It's my first trip."
I pretended to look surprised. "Really?"
I walked through the metal detector without any beeps going off.
I was officially on the boat.
I stood off to the side as I waited for the others to pass through.
Rydel, Rocky, Riker, Ellington, Vanessa, Ryland, and Mark made it through quickly.
"Room key please," Pablo said to Ross.
Ross passed it over to him and he swiped it, letting Ross by.
Ross stepped through the metal detector and a beep went off.
Three security people ran over to him and started patting him down.
Rydel freaked and she turned me around. "How's this trip so far? Great," she asked quickly. "I know we haven't been on here much but it's still pretty cool."
Vanessa chimed in. "Really cool!"
Rocky spoke up. "I heard they have a huge buffet on one the decks! It's called the WindJammer!"
I was so confused. "Okay...."
I turned back around. Ross came towards us. "I'm good to go. Just forgot to take my keys out of my pocket before."
I nodded. "Okay, great."
We watched as Stormie got through security and we all headed to the elevators soon after.
When the door to the left elevators opened, there were Christmas light- type thing on the back wall of the dark, enclosed space.
We scurried on and pressed the number six on the inside of the elevator.
"So, when and where are we going to get our luggage?"
Stormie laughed. "Don't be silly! The staff delivers it to our room."
"Did you, like get a bigger room so all of us could have a bed?"
She nodded. "I rented the two biggest rooms on the boat. One for the girls, one for the boys."
Mark spoke, "I wonder how rocky this boat will be once it leaves dock. I wonder if it would rock right now if I jumped up and down in this elevator."
Ross' eyes widened. "Dad, don't you da--"
Mark didn't listen. He jumped up and down causing all of us to giggle.
I held my stomach. It felt a little uncomfortable but if I was gonna feel this way during the trip to Bermuda, might as well get used to it.
Ha, who was I kidding! I'm already used to it. Well... As used to it as I can get."
Ross' hand appeared around my waist.
Riker's hand flew around my sister's hip and Rydel's waist was being grazed with Ellington's fingertips.
Ross pulled me close as if he were trying to protect me.
I looked up at him and smiled.
He smiled back and Eskimo-kissed me, slightly shaking his nose against mine.
The elevator door opened and we stepped out onto the sixth floor where our rooms were.
In the lobby of the deck stood a million shelves of books. This must be the ship's library.
Stormie walked up to a directory.
"Alright everyone! Our rooms are that way," she said directing us to a hallway to the left.
We followed her.
"Ross," I asked him as we walked with the group.
He answered, "Yes, Laur, what's up!"
I shrugged. "I want you to know that I love you."
He snickered. "I already knew that."
I looked down. "I know. I just felt the need to say it."
He looked at me suspiciously. "You feeling alright? The boat hasn't left the dock yet but it's possible you could already be feeling the small waves."
"I'm feeling terrific," I said. "I just, I don't know, I feel like I don't tell you enough."
Ross kissed the top of my head. "I feel like I don't say it enough either. I love you too, Laur."
I grinned. "I love life."
Ross snickered. "So strange how happy you are though. Usually you're completely cynical."
I shrugged. "I don't know what's going on either. If it was possible, I'd blame this on hormones, but we all know that it's not possible, so I'm going to blame this on you for being super cute instead."
Ross laughed. "Guilty is charged."

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