Chapter Thirteen (How A Guy Makes His Move)

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Riker's POV:

After Ross and Laura ran upstairs to continue kissing or whatever the hell they were doing up there, everyone split up. Rydel headed off to the kitchen. I followed her.

"What was that about," I asked as I walked up to her.

She crinkled her eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

I laughed. "You're serious? I thought Ross and Laura's kiss was cute while you were completely umcomfortable about it... Is something wrong?"

She shook her head. "No. I just thought it was uncomfortable sitting right in front of them as they were going at it."

I smirked. "You sure that's it? You almost sound jealous?"

Her eyes widened and a disgusted look grew on her face. "What?! Eww!! Riker, that's gross!!"

I sighed. "Not jealous of Laura, but jealous that they have a cute relationship going."

Then it hit me.

"Wait! Rydel, do you still miss Ellington?"

She didn't say anything.

I smiled. "You still like him, don't you?"

She shrugged.

That was it. That shrug made it obvious. She still liked him. We all missed him since he left to be with Kelly shortly after Laura left for tour. But I never thought my sister would be still be into him after all this time.

I should've known. We all should've known.

Every time Ross would complain about missing Laura, Rydel would look down sadly or tell him, "I know how you feel."

I should've guessed this was part of what she was talking about when she agreed with him.

I patted my sister's shoulder sympathetically. "I could call him."

She shook her head. "Please don't. That would be embarassing. Plus, ever since he left to Kelly's, he never answered our calls anyway."

I looked down. She was right, but we haven't called him in a while. You never know if things have changed.

"Hey Riker?"

I looked up. "Yes?"

She gulped. "Please don't tell anyone about this. If anyone else found out, I'd be too embarrassed to show my face around this house."

"Alright." I started to turn around to leave the room.

"Oh, and Riker?"

"Yes," I asked turning my head a bit to her.

She scratched the back of her neck. "I know I'm sad but I want you to be happy, you and Vanessa. I know that I said truth or dare was over but I wanna dare you to do something."

She had my full attention.

"I dare you to kiss her... To kiss Vanessa."

I sighed. "Delly--"

"No," she interrupted. "Don't fight me. I see the way you look at her. I see the way she's begun to look at you. I may not have my true love here right now and I may be disappointed about that but you're true love's here and I want you to be happy. So go for it."

I bit my lip. "I'm too scared to."

She looked into my eyes. "Please... For me."

I grumbled. "Fine."

She smiled. "Go get 'em tiger!"

I rolled my eyes but laughed along with her.

I walked out of the kitchen and ran upstairs.

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