Chapter Thirty-Two (Planning A Break)

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~A Week After Aggy Left~

"A cruise?"

My mom nodded. "I think we all need something to relax us, especially Laura after all that has happened.

"What cruise line were you thinking of?

"Royal Caribbean," she answered. "We could travel to Bermuda."

I thought. "You really think a rocking boat would be good for Laura and her easily-upset stomach?"

She shrugged. "As long as it's good weather, Laura will be fine."

I bit my lip. "Bermuda, huh?"

She nodded. "Please say yes! I already bought the tickets."

I sighed. "Okay, fine. It would give me a chance to do something special for Laura in a unique way. When is the cruise?"

~Later That Day With Everyone~

"Next weekend?"

Mom nodded. "Yes, Rydel! It'll be great! We can all relax, have fun, enjoy the views."

Laura smiled from next to me. "I'm in! I could use a vacation away from here with the people I love."

Mom clasped her hands together excited. "Two down, five to go!"

The rest of our family looked at eachother.

Rydel shrugged. "I don't see why not. We could all use a vacation away from here."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Stormie grinned. "It's settled. We leave next Friday morning for the dock in New Jersey. The cruise line leaves Saturday afternoon."

"That gives us... Seven days to pack," I concluded.

Mom nodded. "Yep. Just enough time." #everyoneneedsasuperhero

AN: Sorry, it's so short and that I haven't posted in awhile. I didn't get an idea until now and this is just the introduction of that idea.

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