Chapter 46 (When You Find Your Superhero...)

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My jaw dropped. I was speechless.

"Pregnant?!" Ross asked, taking the words right out of my mouth.

The doctor nodded. "Yes."

Ross looked at the doctor excited, then down at me with a wide smile. 

"Laura," he said excitedly. "You're pregnant!!"

I held my hand to my stomach. "Oh my god," I whispered. There was nothing else I could say.

Ross took my hand. "Laura, you hear that? You're pregnant with OUR child!!"

The door slammed open and my family rushed in.

Tears clouded my eyes. Happy ones.

My sister ran up to me and practically hugged me to death. 

"Laura, oh my god. You're okay!"

I smiled through the tears. "I know."

Stormie looked at Ross. "We got the call two minutes ago saying she was hurt. Care to explain what happened?"

Ross shrugged. "I don't know? Hormones?"

Stormie crinkled her eyebrows confused. "No, seriously."

Ross became serious as he told everyone what had happened. 

All of a sudden, everyone's sympathetic expressions turned into guilty glances around the room.

Vanessa, still freaking out, hugged me again and cried, "Oh my goodness! Laura, I am so sorry and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that!"

Everyone else nodded.

She took Riker's hand as she stood up and cried into his shoulder.

"I do think hormones were at least a part of the reason why she got up on that railing though," Ross added to his explanation. 

Mark shook his head. "I don't think that's funny anymore."

I giggled. "You guys... I'm pregnant!"

Vanessa's lips parted in shock while the others echoed in perfect rhythm.

"Oh," Ross added. "And we're engaged!"

Riker closed his open mouth and smiled as he patted his little brother on his back and whispered just loud enough so I could barely hear, "Good job, Man."

I reached for Ross' hand. "Thanks again for saving me."

He grinned. "No problem."

"You really are my superhero."

He looked down then back at me. "I might've saved your life. But you saved my heart."

He leaned down and enveloped me into his arms.

My tears left stains on his shoulders.

Stormie and Rydel and Vanessa awed. "You two are so adorable."

I looked at my family. 

Delly and Ell were holding hands while Vanessa was pressed up against Riker.

That's when I realized something that I had told myself before, but never grasped a handle on.

Everyone needs a superhero.

Some of us have found ours, while some of us are still searching, but I know one thing. Once you find yours, never leave their side. Instead, let them save you. And when they do, you will find love and wisdom in life that you have never seen or known before.

I found my superhero and I could now declare myself the happiest girl in the universe.

Everyone Needs A Superhero (Raura)Where stories live. Discover now