Chapter 39 (Lying to Loved Ones)

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Around eleven in the morning, all of us gathered in the elevator and headed down to the first level to get off the boat to check out Bermuda. 

We were able to, quickly and easily by using our room keys, get off the boat.

We all stopped on the dock and circled around each other.

"Okay," Stormie said. "Everyone go do what you want to do. Let's all meet back here at five so we can go back to the boat for supper at five-thirty."

Everyone nodded agreeingly.

I looked at Ross. "Can we go down to Horseshoe Beach together to relax?"

He bit his lip. "Laur, please don't hate me, but I promised Riker I'd help him find a gift for Vanessa." He whispered the last part.

"Well, can I still go with you? I can help. I know what my sister likes."

He shook his head. "You need to be the one to keep her occupied."

I crinkled my eyebrows confused.  "Why can't Dells keep her occupied?"

He sighed. "Rydel can hang with you guys if you want, but I'm not telling her what's going on or she'll tell. You know her and her blabbery mouth."

I glanced at Riker who stood next to Ross. Even he looked confused.

"Fine," I gave in. "I'll hang with her until you find her something."

He smiled and gave me a half-hearted hug. "Thank you, Laur. I'll make it up to you."

I sighed. "You better." I looked at Riker again. "Good luck."

He smiled. "Thanks. We'll need it. Come on bro," he said to Ross.

They walked away and I watched them in desire that I could be with them right now. My cheery attitude had disappeared in a matter of just a couple minutes.

I turned around to see Vanessa and Rydel  talking.

Rocky, Ryland, and their parents must've walked off.

I headed up to my sisters. "What do you guys want to do first?"

Rydel shrugged. "I believe you had mentioned a Horseshoe Beach."

A grin spread across my face. Were we going to do something I wanted to do? "Horseshoe Beach is famous for it's white sand and incrediby blue water," I explained. "To get there requires a bus, bug it's so worth it. Do you want to go?"

Vanessa laughed. "Obviously, you want to."

"Can we," I asked.

She nodded. "Of course. Sounds fun!"

All of a sudden, my delight returned and I had completely forgotten what I was upset about a few minutes ago.

I jumped up and down and took both Rydel and Ness' hands as I pulled them over to the bus stop. "Come on. Let's go then," I said excitedly.

We headed to the bus stop and after paying a couple of dollars, we were able to get on.

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