Chapter Thirty-One (A Little Chunk of Better)

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"How were we so stupid?!"
"I don't know."
I sighed. "We should've known that turning her in was the appropriate thing to do! We shouldn't have listened to her talking about how she had no family. She's five years old! How is she supposed to know anything?!"
"Calm down, Laura," Ross said. "You're pacing!"
"I can't calm down," I yelled. "Because I didn't turn her in, we got attached. We all did! And now she's gone so there's nothing we can do about it and I have no one to blame but myself."
Tears burst out of my eyes as I plopped myself on the living room couch next to Ross. He put his arms around me.
"Is this about more than just Aggy."
I looked at him and as he wiped a few tears from my eyes, I asked him, "What do you mean?"
"I mean, we just lost our daughter. We can never produce one on our own and fostering or adopting would lead to more attachment. I get why you're upset. And I am too but how about we just relax, take a few deep breaths, and join our family for dinner now."
I sniffled and tried to dry my tears. "Okay," I whispered.
He smiled. "First step. Relax." He sprawled himself out on the couch comfortably.
I did the same, leaning my head on his shoulder.
"Alright," he said. "Now for step two. Take three deep breaths."
I breathed in and out.
"Not deep enough," Ross teased.
I tried breathing as deep as my weak stomach would let me.
Ross shook his head. "Still not deep enough."
I rolled my eyes. "Oh shut up. I just had a crying fit. My stomach can't support me!"
Ross laughed. "Let me feel."
He sat up and I sat up next to him. He placed his hand on my stomach and his smile diminished.
"What? What's wrong?"
He looked into my eyes. "You're right. The crying fit had your stomach weakened."
A smirk grew on his face. "But I know how to fix it!"
It was my turn to look scared.
All of a sudden, Ross' hands reached for my sides and tickled away.
I fell back on the couch in laughter.
"Oh my god, Ross! Stop it," I yelled in between laughs.
I tried pushing him off of me but he wouldn't budge and instead, I fell off the couch and onto the floor.
Ross stopped tickling but he laughed. "You okay, Laur?"
I didn't move. I stayed steadfast and I quit breathing through my stomach.
Ross' laugh stopped and he touched my shoulder. "Laura, you okay," he asked again.
I rolled over on my back so I was facing him.
He sighed of relief. "I thought you passed out or something."
I shook my head. "Nope. I'm fine. Now, come here so mama can give papa a kiss."
He laughed again as I guided him on top of me.
He tangled his legs with mine and leaned down letting his lips press against mine.
I put my hands on his back and he put his right above my cheekbones.
I bit Ross' bottom lip and as his mouth opened, I stuck my tongue in and the war against our tongues began.
We deepened the kiss as my hands delicately made their way to the bottom of Ross' shirt.
I began to pull it up and we broke apart for a second to pull the shirt over his head.
My lips and tongue found his again as my hands found his side.
I opened my eyes and watched my fingers curl up and begin to inch closer to Ross' skin.
Ross broke apart when my ticking hands brought a plate of revenge to the table.
He broke out in laughs and as he rolled over on his side. I rolled with him, laughing along for the ride.
I let go of Ross and he stopped the rolling and sat up panting.
I continued to laugh.
He looked at me and smiled. "Dinner now?"
I nodded. "Sure."
I stood up and reached my hand for his to help him stand.
When I got him on his feet, he pecked my lips one time before walking into the kitchen with me, both of us now unaware of why we were upset in the first place.
Well, I wouldn't really say we were unaware. We just had our minds on something better than the worry we had not even five minutes ago; we were thinking of each-other.
-That Night With Ross And Riker-
"I felt something."
I shrugged. "Heck if I know. But it didn't feel normal."
"Maybe it's cause of her weird eating habits. Stomachs can change when eating habits change."
I shook my head. "But I'm not even sure if this was her stomach."
Riker raised his eyebrows. "You think... She's pregnant?"
I sighed. "I don't know. Maybe."
"But she's infertile, Ross. It's not possible."
I looked down. "What if she's not really infertile? What if the doctors messed up this time?"
Riker put his hand on my shoulder. "They would've figured it out by now. I mean, she went to the doctors this morning, didn't she?"
I nodded.
"They would've discussed it there, Buddy."
I sighed again. "You're right. I probably just felt what I wanted to feel."

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