Chapter Nine (One Mistake)

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~The next morning~

"Aww! They're so cute!"

"They're like cradling eachother."

"They are SO still in love."

"I'm taking a picture. This is too adorable!"


"Oh my gosh! Look at it."

"The angle's perfect, Delly!"

"Should I post it?"

"I don't care. Go ahead."

"I should probably ask them first."

"True. True."

I moved around.

"He's waking up! We can ask him now."

I stirred around a little more before opening my eyes.

I looked around. Rydel, Rocky, Riker, and Ryland were standing right by my bed.

I looked down in front of me to see Laura cradled in my arms, with her arm around me. She had her head on my chest and she looked comfortable.

When did she get here? I thought I dreampt her climbing in my bed with me last night but I didn't know that's actually what happened

I smiled. She wanted to be with me yesterday.

"Ross, what happened last night," Rydel asked me.

I shrugged. "I can hardly remember."

Riker bit his lip. "You mean you, you know, did It?"

My eyes widened. "What?! No!!"

"Then what happened?"

"She kinda just welcomed herself under my covers last night when I was sleeping and when I woke up she was about to leave but I stopped her because I wanted her to be with me so we went in this position and stayed like this the whole night."

Riker sighed of relief. "Okay. I was just asking."

Rydel chipped in. "Ross, look at this!"

She stuck her phone in my face and I stared at the picture she took of us.

"Aww, " I said. "We look so cute!"

Rydel nodded excitedly. "I know! Can I post it? Pretty please?"

I bit my lip. "I don't know, Delly. You're going to have to ask Laura. I don't know if she'd want this picture all over the Internet."

She scratched the back of her neck. "Um... About that.... I may have already posted it."

I crinkled my eyebrows. "Then why did you just ask me?"

She laughed nervously. "Cause I thought you'd say yes so it wouldn't have made a difference when I posted it.

I rolled my eyes. "Please delete it! Just for now, and before it foes viral."

She clicked a few things on her phone then turned to me. "Okay, I deleted it... Problem is, I think it already went viral."

I slapped my hand against my head. "How long has it been since you posted it?"

She bit her lip. "Um... Two minutes."

"How many followers do you have?"

Delly shrugged. "A lot. Like around 100K."

I took a deep breath. "Alright. We'll just ask Laura about it when she wakes up and hope she doesn't mind us posting it. Now if you guys could excuse us. Laura's still sleeping and frankly she needs all the rest she can get."

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