Chapter Twenty-Eighth (Stomach Bug)

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After breakfast, my stomach really hurt.
I felt nauseous.
I mean, all morning, I've felt overly tired and in pain but I'm not sure why.
I was laying on the couch in my living room, trying to rest when I heard a buzz from my back pocket.
I pulled my phone from my pocket and answered the call.
"Hey Delly! What's up!"
"Hey, Ratliff! Not much. I'm feeling kind of sick. What about you?"
"Well, I actually just bought two tickets to go see Malificent. I was hoping you could come, but if you're not feeling up for it--"
"No," I interrupted. "I'd love to come. I probably just need to get out of the house, get some fresh air."
"Great," Ell said happily. "I'm parked outside your house. Come on out and we'll leave right now."
"Alright, hold on one second."
I put my phone down and yelled into the kitchen, "Mom, can I go to the movies with Ratliff?"
"Sure, Honey," I heard her yell back.
Putting the phone back up to my ear, I said, "I'll be right out."
Once I got my shoes and sweatshirt on, I was out the door.
I sat in the passenger seat next to Ratliff.
As he drove off, we talked. "This a new car?"
He nodded. "Yep. I just got it two weeks ago. Still got that new car smell to it, huh?"
"Yep, definitely," I laughed.
"So, you said you're not feeling well?"
I rubbed my stomach. "Yeah. My belly doesn't want to cooperate with me today, I guess."
"Have you eaten anything yet today?"
I nodded.
"Hmm," he said thinking.
I looked out the window. We were almost there, on the street we were looking for.
I looked at the road as we drove. The road moved backward as we drove forward and the trees and buildings soon disappeared while new trees and buildings appeared in our view.
By the time we parked at the movie theater, I was as dizzy as I would be coming off of a roller-coaster that traveled upside down.
Ratliff got out and I sat there for a few seconds trying to catch my breath and get rid of the small case of vertigo that was making my stomach hurt even more.
Ell walked over to my side of the car and opened my door for me.
He took my hand and I let him pull me out.
As soon as both my feet hit the ground, I felt it coming up and I let it all out right on Ellington's shoes.
My legs weakened and I crashed to the ground.
Ratliff yelled, "Oh my god, Rydel! Are you okay?!"
He brought his hands to my pits and held me up.
"Delly, say something so I know you not about to die."
I took a deep breath. "I'm alright."
He helped me stand. I leaned myself up against his car.
He felt my forehead. "Oh God, You're burning up!"
I held my stomach with one hand and my head with the other.
"I'm gonna call Stormie, okay? We're not going in here now. We need to get you back home."
I nodded in agreement. "Okay."
He took his phone out and dialed, outing it on speaker phone.
"Hello," my mom answered.
"Hey Mama Storms, this is Ratliff!"
"Oh, hey Ell!"
I felt something else coming but I bit my lip to try and stop it.
"Hey," Ratliff said through the phone. I have Rydel here. She just threw up."
"Oh dear. My poor baby, is she alright?"
Ell looked at me in sympathy before saying, "She's fine, but she's burning up."
I couldn't hold it any longer.
I turned around and barfed all over the passenger seat of Ell's new car.
"Oh no, she did it again!"
I held onto the car so I wouldn't fall again.
"Bring her home, Ell," my mom said.
"Of course."
"See you both when you get here,"
"Yep. Bye."
Ratliff hung up and he came up to me.
He took me by the hand and guided me to the back seat.
"You're alright," he said encouragingly. "You probably just have the stomach bug. It's been going around."
I nodded. "Yeah, that's probably it."
I laid down in the back seat and he went back to the front seat."
"When you get home," he said. "Just lay down, take some Tums, and rest, alright?"
I whispered, "alright," just because it was less painful to whisper than it is to talk.

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