Chapter 43 (Confusion)

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I was scared to death. Rydel and I met with the others and searched around the boat and when we couldn't find her, we got of the ship and ran around Bermuda.

We arrived at Horseshoe Beach around 12 and she was no where to be found.


After my little breakdown with the fish, I got back up. I decided I didn't want to let this defeat me. I spent the night figuring out where I was. It was 12 in the afternoon the next day when I finally came into view of the ship.

When my eyes landed on it, a tear flew down my cheek because I remembered how no one had come to find me.

No one even cared enough to search.

I took a deep breath and took a few steps when I tripped on a crack in the sidewalk.

That's when I couldn't even try to hold it in. Tears streamed down my face as I slowly and carefully got up.

I tried to walk and found myself limping.

People around me were watching me, but no one helped me.

I guess no one cared.

I tried to ignore the weird faces I was getting from citizens and kept walking toward the boat.

I quickly made sure I had my room key and passport with me and entered the boat.


It came to be four o 'clock, and in other words, boarding time.

We were at Snorkel Beach when we heard the boat's horn sound.

All of us looked at eachother, not sure what we should do.

"Maybe, she found her way to the boat," Rydel suggested.

"But what if she didn't," I asked.

Rydel shrugged. "We just have to hope, I guess."

I looked down angry at myself. I should've stayed with her yesterday. "What if she did something to herself?"

Stormie spoke. "Listen, you guys. We're just going to have to have to hope that Laura's on that boat and living."

"Yeah," Mark continued. "We're not going to be stranded on this island. If she's still here, she's going to have to take one for the team."

My jaw dropped. "What are you two trying to say? Are you seriously considering leaving her here?"

My dad shook his head. "Of course not. We'll come back for her if she's not on the boat. But we'll take a plane instead so we can stay here until we find her."

I looked at everyone else.

They agreed.

"Fine," I said frustrated. "But the second we get back to LA, we are getting on that plane. And if you won't, I will!"

"We got it," Stormie said. "Now, let's get back to the boat!"

We all trudged back to the ship and hopped on.

I raced up to Laura's room ahead of the others and put my hand up in a fist to knock.

Before I could knock, the door opened and Laura, with her head down, walked into me.

I felt relief wash over me. "Hey," I said as she looked at me.

She waved her hand slowly and once as if she didn't want to see me.

The intercom blared all of a sudden and a voice said, "This is your captain speaking. We are now leaving Bermuda and heading home. There is a chance of rain very soon. Have a happy trip home."

When the intercom shut off, I asked Laura, "Where were you?"

She shrugged. "I was out. Took a Me night."

My eyebrows crinkled down in frustration. "Well, you should have told us. We were going to leave without you if you were still out there!"

She looked down. "You were?"

I nodded. "Yes. And why was your phone turned off?!"

"It wasn't," she argued. "It fell in the water!"

"Well, you should have been more careful!"

"Well, you should have come looking for me last night, but instead you decided to not waste your time as a fish!"

My eyebrows crunched even more. "A fish?! Why the heck-- Did you get any sleep last night?"

"No," she yelled. "I was too busy trying to find my way back here! And if I am correct, no one spent their night trying to find a way to me!"

I didn't say anything. I didn't know how to respond.

"I'm going to the top deck. Don't follow me!"

She walked off as everyone else came towards me.

Vanessa asked Laura what was wrong as she walked by her but Laura just walked past her sister without a word.

They came to me, confused.

All of my family immediately asked me, "What did you do?!"

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