Chapter Eleven (To Aid the Wounded)

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"Laura," I yelled one more time.

The door swung open and before I could comprehend it, she threw her arms around me.

"You're... You're still here," I said relieved.

She cried into my shirt but like always, I didn't mind. Besides, my tears were slipping down my cheeks and landing on her shoulder. We were even.

"Oh my god," Rocky yelled. "Look at all the blood."

My eyes jolted open. Did he just say blood?

I stood Laura up and held her by her hands. I looked down at her arms and my jaw dropped.

I looked into Laura's sad eyes before hugging her again.

"Please," I begged. "Please, don't you ever do that again. I thought I lost you!"

I started caressing her hair gently.

Laura closed her eyes and before I knew it her grip on me loosened.

I heard Riker say, "Get her some bandaids and someone get the knife and throw it out."

"She's unconscious," I yelled.

"Let's bring her downstairs to the couch," Ryland suggested.

"I'll go get Mom and Dad," Rydel said running off to their room.

Vanessa chimed in. "I'll get the knife."

Rocky started heading towards the bathroom. "I'll get the first aid kit!"

I took hold of Laura's legs, wrapped them around my waist and held her up by the thigh. I carefully rushed down the stairs, into the living room, and placed her down on the couch.

Following me down was Vanessa with the bloody knife in her hands,

I watched as she stuffed the knife in a few plastic bags and then into the trash.

"Wait," I yelled. "Keep it!"

Vanessa looked at me like I was crazy. "Excuse me, what?"

"Keep it," I said again. "It's the last thing Laura has that belonged to her parents. She told me herself."

Ness raised one eyebrow. "Well, now she has me. Whether she likes it or not, we can't keep something this sharp in this house."

I gulped. "Alright. I guess you're right."

Seconds went by before Rydel rushed down with our parents, with Riker and Ryland following them, Riker holding a glass of water in his hands.

"What happened," Stormie asked.

"She tried to kill herself again," I heard Riker say. "We persuaded her to stop before things went to far but she ended up passing out."

"Oh dear," my mom said sympathetically.

I looked at Rocky. "Give me the first aid kit," I said in a rush.

He handed it to me. I opened it up on my lap and rummaged through.

"Someone get a wet washcloth," I yelled.

My dad ran off into the kitchen and came back with one.

He gave it to me and I gently dabbed the cloth on her cuts. Quickly, the cloth was overwhelmed with blood but her wrist was clear of any more dark red, icky ooze.

I took the hydrogen peroxide from the first aid kit.

"I need more wash cloths. One wet, one dry!"

Again, Mark ran off to the kitchen and came back with what I told him to get.

He handed both cloths to me.

I laid one down on Laura's forehead. I poured some hydrogen peroxide on the other and dabbed the washcloth on the cuts so they wouldn't get infected.

Twisting the cap back on the big bottle of elemented liquid, I placed it in the first aid kit and grabbed two big bandaids.

I peeled the backs off of each of them, and carefully spread them on her arms, over not only her new cuts but the scars from her old cuts as well.

I sighed and sat back, looking at this beauty who lay in front of me. If only she saw her beauty like I do, like my family does.

"Ross," my mom said softly. "I think we should really bring her to a rehab center now."

My eyes widened and I turned to her. "No," I said.

She bit her lip. "We have no choice--"

"Yes, we do," I yelled. "We're not sending her away."

"But Sweetie, she's only gotten worse since yesterday."

I shook my head. "That's a lie! Yesterday, at the arena, I had to pry that knife out of her hands and carry her out of the girl's bathroom! Today, she pried that knife out of her own hands, and walked herself out of the room!"

Stormie shut her eyes in stress, slowly opening them again. "Listen, she still hurt herself. Whose to say she won't try to hurt herself again?"

"I say she won't! She chose to stop today. She chose not to die!"

Stormie sighed. "Ross, you're only saying this because you love her!"

"No, I'm not," I yelled. "I'm saying this because I believe in her!"

My mom didn't say anything this time. I looked at the others. They just stared at the grounds.

"Don't you guys believe in her too?"

My dad spoke up. "Of course we do, Son," he said. "We just think she needs a little more than an old friend who loves her to help her get better."

I shook my head. "You're wrong. Sometimes a little love is all it takes."

Everyone was speechless.

I turned back around to face Laura. I held her little hand, leaned down and kissed the top of it softly.

Coincidentally, Laura's eyes flew open and she looked over at me.

A small smile creeped onto her face as she sat up a little. She looked at her bandaged arm and I noticed a tiny tear trickle down her cheek.

I wiped it away and she looked into my eyes.

Before I knew it, she threw her arms around me for a hug and I tightened my grip on her, making sure she was never going to let go.

"Thank you," she whispered in my ear.

I smiled and started to rub her back.

Yep. I was right. Sometimes a little love IS all it takes.

If only my family could understand that for themselves.

And that concludes this chapter. Vote or review plz!! :)

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