Chapter Thirty-Four (Falling Off)

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"I'm gonna give this to her on the island. Do you think she'll like it?"

Riker nodded. "Of course. What's it for though? Are you going to propose or something?"

I shook my head. "I feel like it would frighten her to come on so strong, so fast. It's just going to be a promise ring."

Riker patted my back understanding. "Makes sense, Bro."

I shrugged. "I just don't know how she'd feel getting married so soon with her infertility in the way of the both of us creating a family. Besides, I'm not sure I'm ready either."

Riker leaned on the railing on the top deck to balance himself.

I did the same.

The view of the ocean was pretty but not as beautiful as what's in my hand or who's going to get the thing in my hand.

I studied the ring.

Gold rim that you put the finger through.

Diamond on the very center of the circular rim.

Riker sighed. "That really is a perfect ring."

I looked at him. "I know. The perfect ring for the perfect girl."

A horn sounded in my ear.

Scared, I jumped up.

The ring tossed in and out of my hand, and I quickly caught it with my other hand.

I breathed in and out.

Riker started laughing and I joined him with snickers.

"That was a close one," Riker giggled.

I nodded. "You bet it. That was too close. Let's walk away from the railing before that horn sounds again.

We took a few steps away from the edge.

The horn sounded again, freaking me out.

The ring jumped out of my hand and rolled towards the railing.

Riker and I ran towards it and dropping myself on my hands and knees, I went after it.

Unfortunately, the ring was too fast, and it rolled right off the side of the boat.

My mouth hung wide open in shock.

"Oh my god," I whispered.

Riker bit his lip. "Okay, that was more than too close."

I eyes him annoyed.

"What now," I yelled.

He shrugged. "I don't know. Buy a new one?"

"Hey Ross! Hey Riker!"

That voice.

I scrunched my face up. Why? Why now?

I turned around with a fake smile plastered on my face.

"Hey Laura."

She laughed. "What are you two doing on the floor? Were you feeling nauseous too?"

I nodded carefully. "Yeah. Something we ate is just not settling well."

"Well, what is it? I'll remember not to eat it later."

I thought. What did Laura have for lunch?

I held my stomach and made a fake growling noise.

Riker copied.

"We had... The shrimp."

Laura crinkled her eyebrows confused. "I had the shrimp for lunch today. That must be the reason my stomach hurts so much right now."

I nodded. "Yep. Um... I'm going to go throw up now. Bye," I said fasts, running towards the nearest entrance to the inside of the boat.

I heard Riker say from behind me, "I'm going to go join him. See ya!"

Riker followed me, joining me inside.

I waved myself cool. "Oh my god. I feel terrible lying. What if she really has to throw up and she thinks we're making a joke about this? What if--?"

Riker held my shoulder. "Snap out of it, Ross! We need to find a new ring NOW! The inside mall has a jewelry store, right?"

I nodded.

"Alright," Riker said calmly. "We'll check there for identical rings! Okay?"

I took a deep breath. "Okay."

We walked to the elevators and headed to the fifth floor, the floor the mall was on.

We walked through the mall until we saw the jewelry store and popped inside.

Vanessa was in there looking around.

Ness," Riker yelled at his girlfriend.

She perked up and looked over at us.

"Hey boys. What's up?"

"Not much, Sweetie," Riker said all smiley. He pecked her lips.

I threw my hands up in the air. "Not much? Riker, we're you not paying attention to the past ten minutes of our lives?"

He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. "Vanessa, what's up is that that ring I got Laura fell off the boat and into the water!"

Her eyes widened. "Oh my! Wasn't it expensive?"

I nodded. "Eight hundred."

Ness hit her hand against her head. "Ross, you needed to be careful with an eight hundred dollar ring! It was going to be delicate!"

Looking down, I mumbled, "Wish I knew that fifteen minutes ago."

"Anyway," Riker continued. "Ross needs to find an identical ring to the one he bought. One that's hopefully cheaper."

I groaned. "It came out of MY savings account, not yours!"

Riker shook his head annoyed.

"I don't care. I think you should be careful with how you spend your money.

"Whatever," I said "Start looking!"


"Ross," Riker yelled as I was looking through my ninth display case. "There's none that's identical to Laura's."

I ignored him. I choose not to believe him for the sake of my sanity.

"Ross," Riker repeated. "It's not here!"

I groaned so loudly. "It has to be!!"

Vanessa sighed. "Listen, we get off the boat on Monday. We can keep searching through the shops for more rings. If you can't find anything, we'll all look together for one on Bermuda."

I breathed my held breath out and smiled softly, trying to ooze the sudden stress that had just been thrown onto me at the sound of a horn.

I turned around to look at Riker and Ness. "Okay," I almost whispered. "Deal."

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