Chapter Twenty-Four (Promises)

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Everyone Needs A Superhero

Ch 24 (Promises.)


It was around one in the morning and all of us were awake waiting for Ross and Laura to come home.

They called to tell us they were leaving the hospital like two hours ago.

We're all starting to get worried.

What was taking them so long?!

Vanessa let out a loud, over exaggerated huff.

"Ugh," she groaned. "Where the hell are they?! I need to see my sister to make sure she's actually alright like Ross said!"

I sighed. "The poor girl's infertile now. I hope she's taking it well. Especially considering all she tried to get Ross to do Wednesday was have sex with her."

Ratliff walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "I'm sure she's fine."

I gave Ell a sad look before turning to the others.

Riker stood by Vanessa, and held her waist.

"I just hope this isn't going to ruin Raura, not just for the sake of themselves but also for the sake of all of Laura's fans," Riker said. "Once people found out Ross had saved her from Dallas' beatings, the shipping began."

I snickered. "Well, they are perfect for eachother so--"

I trailed off. Man, if this ruined their relationship I'd be fricking upset.

I heard a ding.

Vanessa took out her phone, tapped it, and stared at it.

"You guys do know what this means, right," Ratliff said. "Rydel and I can't have kids and Riker and Vanessa can't have kids cause if we did, Ross and Laura would feel horrible."

We all sighed. "She might not," Vanessa said looking up from her phone. "Ross just texted me."

"What did he say," I asked.

She smirked. "We shall see. They should walking through the door in 3... 2... 1."

We heard a rattling at the door.

We turned to it excitedly.

The door opened and a little girl ran inside.

"Aunties! Uncles! Grammie! Grandpa!"

My jaw dropped.

I looked around. Everyone else's mouths were wide open as well.

All of a sudden, Ross and Laura walked through the door.

"You excited, Aggy," Laur asked the little girl.

The girl nodded. "Very. Thanks for bringing me home. I love you Mommy and Daddy!"

Raura said in unison, "We love you too!"

They turned to us. "Hey guys!"

We all blinked, looked at Aggy, blinked again and looked back at Ross and Laura.

"When did this happen," Riker asked.

"About half an hour ago," Ross answered.

We were all so confused. "Did you guys adopt her?"

Ross shrugged. "Eh, sort of."

I crinkled my eyebrows and spoke up. "What do you mean, 'sort of'."

"Well," Laura began. "When I left a few days ago to be alone, I found her in an alley. She said she had no home so we're taking her in."

"What about her parents," my mom asked.

Ross covered Aggy's ears as he said, "Her parents are dead. We're stepping in to be her new parents."

I smiled. "That's really sweet, guys! I'm so glad you aren't going to let this situation discourage you."

Ross and Laura smiled at each other. "We're very happy."

Vanessa stepped forward. "How about you two go head upstairs to rest. It's been a long day few days for you guys! We'll take care of Aggy tonight."

Laura smiled at her sister. "Are you sure you'd be okay with that?"

Ness nodded. "Of course. Aggy seems very sweet."

The little girl blushed and a small smile grew upon her face.

Ross looked at Laura. "I am very tired, Laur."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. Let's go up to bed, Ross."

He grinned, took Laura's hand and they both walked upstairs together.

I turned to Aggy and leaned down next to her. "Hi, Aggy. I'm your Aunt Rydel, but you can call me Auntie Delly. Like the sandwich meat."

She giggled. "Hi Aunty Delly."

I looked at the others. They were awing.

I could already tell we were gonna like this girl.


Ross and I walked upstairs hand in hand.

We headed to his room.

"So, I was thinking," he started. "Maybe we could share this room from now on and give your room to Aggy."

I nodded. "Sure. I mean, she can't sleep on the couch every night. She needs a nice, warm bed."

We opened the door to his-- our room and walked in.

Ross let go of my hand and suddenly pushed me up against his door.

"Ross, what are you doing?"

He responded by forcing his lips onto mine. I was tense at first but I sighed into the kiss. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and fought with my own.

He pulled me towards him from against the door so I was closer to him.

I couldn't see anything because my eyes were closed but I could feel a tug on the top of my pants.

I opened my eyes, leaned back, and stared at Ross shocked.

"What are you doing," I asked.

He bit his lip. "I told you once we got home from the hospital, we could do this. A promise is a promise, isn't it?"

I smiled before connecting our lips once more.

Everyone Needs A Superhero (Raura)Where stories live. Discover now