Chapter 16: Up on the balcony

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A loud array of multicolored trolls rejoiced in the celebration of their new king. After the ceremony, Queen Poppy and newly crowned King Branch walked past many of the freaking out trolls, smiling and waving just like she showed him how to do.

"How long do we have to do this?" He asked silently.

"Just a little longer. Technically we don't have to do this, but it's nice to do so." She replied gently squeezing his other hand. The two walked over to their celebration station where the party was just getting started, lights, balloons, confetti, you name it. The snack pack stood in the front to great their two friends.

"Oh Branch we're so proud of you! Not one freak out moment!" Spoke DJ Suki, giving him a hug, the others following her.

"And that outfit on you! You couldn't have looked any better." Satin and Chenille proudly said taking a look at the outfit they had made.

Branch looked down at his attire. It was just a suit and tie. Not really the most exciting thing in the world, but appreciated how simple the two made it for him. He knew they liked their sparkles and sequins.

"You're gonna make a great king." Biggie smiled, Mr. Dinkles along side.

"Thank you guys." The real troll said gratefully.

"Don't thank us, thank Poppy. She was the one who put this together all on her own. All we did was help put decorations up." Biggie spoke once more.

Branch looked over at his wife, her having a humble smile showing on her face.

"Oh, it's wasn't that much.."

"Are you kidding? You had to get all the vendors, set up seating, find the perfect decorations, hang those decorations with us, get Branch his attire, and so much more! I bet you got barely any sleep last night." The gang looked at the blue troll with faces that screamed seriously?

Looking at the light blush on her face, he gave her a kiss. Smidge stuck his tongue out in response.

"Alright guys, you can do your lovey dovey stuff later. We got a party to get started!" Guy Diamond spoke, strutting into the hall.

"The party has just arrived!" He said, his ego clearly showing.

While the others went inside, the King and Queen went upstairs and looked down upon the dancing trolls. The sun was beginning to set and it shone brightly on their faces.

"You see all those trolls down there? We have to take care of them, and give them all the love they need. They're like plants." The pink troll spoke, the teal one raising an eyebrow to her analogy. But that really didn't matter. Their hearts were full as he gently rocked her back and forth from behind, her getting a laugh outta it.

"As long as I got you by my side, I think we can handle anything." He whispered in her ear, her then snorting.

"You're such a cornball." She said pushing him away.

The two heard footsteps coming up the stairs and fixed their appearance, standing straight up. Seeing his grey hair, they sighed, realizing it was only Peppy.

"How you two doing?" Peppy spoke.

"Alright. Do you need something?" Said his daughter, kinda bummed he ruined their little moment.

"Nope, just wanted to see you two." He leaned against the railing and both Poppy and Branch gave exchanging looks.

"So, have you two been looking at some house items..?"

"What..?" She thought internally.

"Um, not really.. why?"

"Oh, just in preparation for your new chapter in your lives."

The couple's faces matched exactly. A face of pure shock. How in the world could he know? They briefly brought it up to the snack pack, but they wouldn't tell Peppy.

"How do you know that..?"

"You two aren't really the quietest."

"So.. you're fine with us living in the bunker..?" Branch chimed in. The king was confused for a moment, but then began to put the pieces together. Wow, that was kinda bumming. But, for the sake of an argument, he pretended to have meant that.

"Oh, yeah. I want you two to be happy. So if you want to live there, go ahead." He said with the worlds most fake smile. Luckly, Poppy bought it, and a bright smile grew on her face. She ran to her father and hugged him.

"Oh, thank you!! You don't know how relived I am you said that!" She said before grabbing her husband's hand and running to the dance floor. Her father frowned.

"You don't know how upsetting it is to hear that baby girl.." he said softly, walking slowly down the stairs back to the party.

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