Chapter 36: You're gonna be okay

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The crowd of trolls stared at the two in front of them. Branch was shaking and sweating from which Poppy could feel his shaking vibrations. A few seconds later, the couple jumped to the loud applause and cheering of the town. They both sighed in relief as they hugged each other, thankful for the positive response. It was at that moment when Poppy had looked around that someone was missing.

"Hey, where's my dad..?" She said

     Branch looked around, unable to see the older troll in sight.

"That's weird. You'd think he'd come to a town meeting if you called it. Heck, I don't think your dad has ever missed a town gathering."

So many thoughts were beginning to swarm through the Queen's head. It wasn't like Peppy to miss out on something as important as this. At times like this their queen was usually calm, but today, all she could do was heavily breathe as she tried to wrap her head around the thoughts that attacked her.

"P-Poppy! It's gonna be okay! We're gonna search! Right now!" Branch tried to comfort his wife but was failing to do so as her panic level grew.

"H-He could be hurt, or trapped, or-!" She gasped as she covered her mouth. The teal troll placed his hands on her shoulders, trying to remain calm for the safety of the village and his emotional wife.

"It's gonna be alright. Take a deep breath in, and release." Poppy never freaked out. This was all a new feeling to her. A new feeling that she didn't particularly like. Gosh these crazy emotions.

Trolls all around looked for their former king, but was no where to be found. It wasn't until a lightbulb lit in his head as he turned to his pink wife who was alongside Satin and Chenille, breathing in a paper bag.

"In and out Poppy.." Spoke Satin.

"There you go. You got this hun." Replied Chenille.

"Nice deep breaths." They said simultaneously.

Branch walked over to Poppy as her eyes were half open, her breathing beginning to get under control. He rubbed her back as she smiled at him.

"Hey, you doing any better..?" She gave a gentle nod.

"That's good. I'm gonna check somewhere really quick. I think I may know where he had gone. You wanna tag along..?"

Poppy looked at her two connected friends with large eyes. As the two shook their heads, she took his hand. After that, the two quickly ran off only to have Poppy start to fall behind.

     "Branch, slow down..! I-I can't keep up..!" She spoke as she let go of his hand and panted away. Making a sharp stop, he ran back towards her and turned around.

     "Get on my back. I know it's getting hard to run for you, but we have to keep going. I know you can do this." He said, her giving him a gentle smile as she got onto his back. When she was secure, he began to run again.

     It was minutes later the two got to the tree where Peppy and Branch had their guy talk. Poppy, her breath becoming more normal, looked at the tree with an eyebrow raised.

     "What's so special about this tree?" She asked.

     "It's, just special to your dad." The teal troll said as he began to whip his hair to the branch he needed to get to, the pink one following behind.

     But when the teal troll got to the branch he needed, it was one of the most saddest sights he'd ever seen. The pink troll gasped as tears began to pour from her eyes. There her father laid, extremely weak, and his voice was faint. Poppy ran to her father's side as Branch went off to get medical attention.

     "Dad.. Oh dad.." She said softly, tears landing on her father's clothes. Peppy hand her hand as tight as he could manage.

     "Poppy.. Don't worry about me.. It's gonna be alright.."

     "I know it's gonna be alright because we're getting help. You're gonna be fine.."

     She hiccuped as tears overflowed. Medical attention had arrived and Branch pulled her away. She hung onto her husband as she sobbed into his vest.

     "You're gonna be okay.."

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