Chapter 8: It's not that big of a deal

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"Dad, you can't be serious. W-What if we're not ready??" Poppy felt a giant lump in her throat. There's no way in troll village he could be serious. They just got married!

"You're just like your mother. I'm sure you'll be fine." She could feel anger raising in her body as she tried not to release it.

"But dad, this isn't fair. What if Branch isn't ready?? What if he doesn't even want kids??" Peppy felt the same feeling begin to boil as well.

"Well he should've known it was gonna be this way. Eventually he's gonna have to have kids with you."

"This is what sucks about being royalty dad! We can never do what we want to do, make our own choices that we want to make! It's always us having to follow the system, doing this here, doing that there. I can't take it anymore!" She began to yell, her face scrunching up a bit.

Branch's ear lifted as he heard the yelling. Something was wrong. He began to walk to the direction to the room that they were in, then halted before he could even get out of the kitchen.

"No, you have to let her do this on her own. She's her own person. She can handle whatever's going on herself.." He thought and began to walk backwards slowly.

"Poppy, it honestly isn't that big of a deal."

"Yes, it is dad! This is a living, breathing troll! A baby that's being brought into the world! You can't just say it's not a big deal!"

The king could feel his fists begin to clutch. It was like she was a teenager again. She's twenty-five now. They shouldn't be having this argument.

"Well if he wasn't ready for this type of life, you two shouldn't have gotten married!" The pink troll gasped and the king realized what he had said. His daughter's eyes began to fill with tears, her trying to hold them back.

"I'm sorry dad. I'm sorry that I have to focus on what's best for our legacy than our happiness." She began to gasp for air as her sentences came out of her mouth faster and faster.

"Poppy, I didn't mean-"

"No, I know exactly what you mean."

Her sobs filled this room and Branch's ear lifted once more.

"That's it." He said softly as he began to run to the bedroom door.

"We just couldn't take it one step at a time could we?? We just couldn't take the time to figure out what we wanted to do with our life could we??" At that moment the teal troll barged in on the other two trolls as the pink one practically screamed

"We just couldn't have a normal life like a normal husband and wife!" And after that, she ran off into the darkness outside. Branch held his arm outward to her direction.

"Poppy wait!"

The king looked at his son-in-law, and he looked back at him. The teal troll looked at him in confusion.

"What happened??"

Peppy couldn't help but stand there, frozen in his spot. That wasn't supposed to happen. What he said wasn't supposed to come out of his mouth.

This was his fault. He couldn't help but blame himself.

Branch quickly ran out into the night, yelling one specific word.


Wow two updates in one day? Let's get a round of applause. That will probably never happen again.

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