Chapter 35: An announcement to the town

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It had been 3 days since they had announced the growing of their sprout and Poppy since then had been sick like a dog. Running back and forth to the bathroom to vomit up her guts. Branch had felt terrible not being able to help her out other than telling her it would be alright as he rubbed her back. He was beginning to get worried about the whole ordeal.

The pink troll slowly walked out of the bathroom, wiping her mouth with her arm as her husband pulled out a chair for her to sit in. She rubbed her temples as Branch placed a cup of hot chocolate in front of her. Smiling, she took a small sip.

"Thank you.."

"No problem." He spoke as he took a sip of his own drink.

"You feeling okay?"

A gentle nod came from her as she placed the cup down.

"I'm okay.. But, I think we need to tell the village."

Branch sat up in his seat. He knew that she'd want to tell them, but with how she had been feeling lately, he didn't think it'd be this soon.

"Are you sure you can handle it? I mean, you've been sick for a while now and are just starting to feel a little better."

Her face turned to disappointment as he tried to put it off. It truly meant a lot to her to tell the village. He was just, worried about her health. Sighing, he looked up at her.

"But, if you think you can handle it.." The pink queen's frown turned to a smile as she went over and squeezed him in a tight embrace. Quickly letting go after five seconds, she covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom. Branch simply shook his head.

"I'll make sure there's a bucket nearby.."

"I'm okay..!" She tried to say enthusiastically.

Hours had passed and when the village was called to a meeting, the trolls were extremely worried. They hadn't seen their queen in days, their king taking up most of her royal duties. Even the school children had been asking at story time what was going on. Branch simply stating she hadn't been feeling well.

     "King Branch had told my child that she was feeling under the weather. Maybe he's gonna tell us more about that."

     "I heard that the Queen ate this really bad berry and has poisoning."

     "Maybe she's upset over something."

     Many theories had been going around the large group of multicolored trolls. As their King walked out, they all quickly silenced. As their Queen followed him, her hand in his, a large cheer came from the small creatures. Poppy hadn't got sick in quite some time now, so her face was brighter than before, but not her usual shade.

     "Everyone! Everyone! Can we have your attention!" Branch spoke as the crowd silenced.

    "As you all know I have been.. Absent, from many things here in the village these past few days. I am deeply sorry it had to happen, but I honestly couldn't control what's been going on."

     "But don't worry! She's alright. What's been going out is normal." Trolls started whispering to one another. Their whispers turned into a quiet rustle of phrases.

     "What we have gathered here to tell you is... is..."

     Poppy looked over and Branch. The teal troll could sense the pink one's nerves from a while away. His hand reached outward to hers. Smiling, she took his and squeezed it tight. After mouthing three, two, one, they shouted.

     "We're having a baby..!"

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