Chapter 56: Absolutely Perfect

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     The party was everything Poppy had dreamed of. Games, sweet treats, balloons, presents for the little one, but her absolute favorite, the "it's a girl" cake they had made especially for the pink troll and her new baby.

     "Mmm, this cake is so good!" She exclaimed as she went back and forth from feeding herself, to feeding Melody.

     Branch agreed with Poppy on that end. It was a pretty good cake. He's a traditional chocolate fan, but this red velvet cake was something he'd never tasted before.

     "Ooh, as soon as cake's over, can we please open presents?? I've been dying to see how little Melody would like what we made her!" Both Satin and Chenille exclaimed, then taking another bite of cake.

The pink troll swallowed her last piece of cake as she looked over at Branch. With a nod of his head, the group made their way to the presents. The couple sat next to each other, the teal troll holding his daughter. For a usually calm baby, she was beginning to wiggle and bounce in his arms.

"Look at her go, already movin' and groovin'." Said Peppy

Branch looked at Melody confused. Despite her couple days of existence, she wasn't really a bouncy baby. But, we have to make it work for the moment.

"Our's first!" The twins said as they gave their friend an awfully large box. Ripping the wrapper, Poppy opened the box two find many outfits from dresses, to onesies all handmade by the twins themselves.

"Aw! They all look so cute! I'm sure she'll look adorable in all of them. Thank you!" She said giving the two of them a hug.

     The twins were actually very proud of their work. They've never worked with baby clothing so this was a new experience for the both of them. Surprising enough, it wasn't as difficult as they thought it would be. Despite not having a model, they knew that the small child will eventually grow into it. To add on to it, they got to make some adorable designs that wouldn't be the most ravishing design on a dress that an older troll might wear.

     Smidge and Fuzzbert got together and made some pretty dandy rattles. Branch was certain that a smile would crack out of the young child at the looks of those things. But not even a tiny smile appeared. Poppy on the other hand, was having a ball making a rhythm with the rattles.

     DJ Suki walked over to her best pink friend slowly as she looked at the young child that laid in her arms. There she was. Poppy had been waiting for this very moment for the longest time. The moment were she could hold her very own child and never let her go. Suki smiled as she revealed a small box from behind her back.

     "So, it might not be as extravagant as what the other's got you. Especially what Branch brought, but it'll help for those crabby nights or just when it's time for a nap."

     Gently opening the box, the sweet tune began to play. A tune that is oh so familiar, it's practically their song. This, got the child's attention.

     "Oh Suki.."

     "It's beautiful..!" Poppy said in a quiet but still joyful tone. Looking downward, she watched as her child stared at the box in wonder. The pink troll softly giggled as she rubbed her cheek.

     "Branch, go get your gift." Whispered Guy. The teal troll was slightly confused, but did as the sparkly one said.

     In amazement, Poppy stared the same as Melody when she saw the stroller her husband had made. White with a hint of pink. Very nice detail.

     "Sooner or later there had to be a stroller right?" He said trying to lighten the mood when it was only the music box playing in the background.

     "Branch... It's absolutely amazing..." Melody wiggled in her mother's arms, begging to be placed in the small wagon. Doing as wanted, the pink troll placed the baby inside, gently rocking her back and forth as she listened to the tune her parents sing to her as she slowly drifted to sleep.

     "Absolutely Perfect..~"

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