Chapter 51: A Melody for Rose

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The crowd cheered in celebration of their new princess. Trolls hugged, sang, dances, and passed their bet money around with the other trolls. Poppy and Branch walked off of the stage and made their way towards the citizens of the town. Many came to the King and Queen to give the child their blessing, a couple giving them gifts for the child.

"Isn't she the cutest! I'm sure all the boys will be all over her!"

"Hold on a second, she's not allowed to date till I fly."

"Ha ha, thank you Ms. Sunflower." Poppy said as she pulled Branch away before he gave the poor old woman a list of things that would have to happen before Melody could date.

As the pink troll walked around with the infant, Branch stayed pretty distant from the crowd. He was beginning to feel quite uncomfortable around the others, but it wasn't their fault. He just, wasn't feeling it. As he sat over by the stage, a familiar face walked over. Her dress was a nice shade of green which went along perfectly with her red hair.

"King Branch!" He looked up.

"Rose? What are you doing over here? Where's your mother?"

"She's over with Queen Poppy. I saw you over here by yourself do I asked her if I could join you."

A smile was painted on his face as he scooted over, allowing young Rose to sit beside him. She looked up at him with a smile just as bright as Poppy's.

"So you guys are a mommy and daddy now! Isn't that fun?"

"You could say that."

"I bet you guys are gonna have so much fun now that you guys have a little baby. On my way to school, I see my friends and their little baby siblings and they say it's annoying, but if I had a baby for a sibling, we'd be best friends."

The teal troll's smile softened. In the corner of his eye, he watched as his wife came towards the two, Rose instantly getting excited.

"Queen Poppy! May I please see her?" Asked the young troll.

"Of course you can! Just be very gentle. She's starting to get a little cranky.." The pink troll said as she squatted to show her to the child.

Rose watched in amazement as the little one gave the biggest yawn she ever seen. Afterwards she began to wiggle.

"Wow! Look at her go! I bet she'll be a really good dancer when she's older."

     "I bet she will." Poppy chuckled as the infant paid closer attention to the smaller troll in front of her. Who is this? Why is she smaller than mommy and daddy? She was probably thinking. Despite being only a day old, she had the strength of her father as she grabbed the slightly bigger one's hand.

     The crowd ate that up. Unfortunately, it was about time for little Melody to get something in her belly and be put down for a nap. Branch tried to get her to let go of the red haired child's finger. But she didn't want to.

     "Come on sweetie, it's time we got you home. Say bye to Miss Rose." Now you could see her eyes fill with tears. This wasn't gonna be good. By the time they retracted her from the child, she was bawling. The teal troll tried his best to cheer her up, but this did no use.

     "Let me hold her." Poppy said as she removed her from his arms. Wailing, she looked up at her mother as she was gently being rocked back and forth.

     "Thank you for keeping my little Branch company while I talked with your mother. Maybe you can come play with Melody when she's a little older." Said the pink troll with a grateful smile.

     "That would so much fun! Thank you Queen Poppy! Bye King Branch!" Rose spoke as she waved and walked off with her mother.

     "Good kid." He said.

     "Yeah, but I think it's time we head home. Little Melody isn't gonna stay this quiet for long.."

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