Chapter 28: The Talk

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The place they went to was small and could be smelt from miles away. Fresh pastries and breads could make any troll drool. It wasn't till Branch took her there for her first date with him when she realized that this was the best place in the whole village. Branch liked the fact that it was a nice, calm, cozy little hut that made them feel welcomed.

The pink troll had gotten a couple of small pastries with a lot of whipped cream on it. I mean a lot of whipped cream. The teal one however, had a plain bagel. In all honesty, he was too nervous to really eat.

"So.. Poppy.. How you doing..?" He spoke, trying to spark a conversation.

"Fine" she said with he mouth full in between a smile.

"... anything you wanna talk about..?"

She swallowed her food and looked up at him. Her heart began to pound as she realized what he was doing. He was probing her. Beating faster and faster, all she could do was sit there, frozen.

"Poppy? Poppy??" Beginning to freak out he gently shook her, causing her to snap back into reality.

"Oh, sorry. Guess I zoned out a little there." Trying to lighten the mood, she chuckled. The pink troll was slightly confused on how he knew something was going on. Was she being obvious? The snack pack wouldn't tell him..

Would they..?

"Right, yeah, I did have something I wanted to talk with you about."

Branch slightly leaned in. This was what he was waiting for. He could hear her swallow once more as she looked up at him with sparkly eyes. Man, they were beautiful.

"Branch, I know we haven't been married a long time.. But I love you so so much.."

Odd way to start it off, but okay.

"Are you aware of how much I love being with the kids over at the schoolhouse right..?"

"Of course. It's one of your favorite things to be doing."

"Well, I was thinking about how you were with the kids at school and how much they all love you.. and about that one little girl you were with for about a minute.. how you had such a strong instinct to make sure she was all right.."

Technically he kinda bribed that little girl to act that way, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. In the end the situation played out beautifully.

"It was like you have fatherly instincts in you.."

Branch was confused. Why would she be bringing this up. He turned his head downward as he began to think about it. Poppy looked at him as her smile slowly faded away. Clearing her throat, she continued to speak.

".. I.. wanted to tell you.. that I think it was really nice of you to do that for them.." Branch noticed her change in mood. Of all things that were unusual in their world, she was acting very unusual today. Why would she bring that up? He was 99.9% sure he was already told how much she appreciated it. Not that he was complaining, it was just odd.

"Okay, I know you. And I know when something is up. Your tone went from calm and happy, to, wow I'm kinda bummed." He placed his teal hands on top of her pink ones. Now it was him that was hypnotizing her with his shimmering light blue eyes.

"Now.. what do you really want to tell me..?"

Poppy took a deep breath inwards through her nose, and released through her mouth. Both of their eyes locked on each other, she spoke softly.

"I think it's time we have a baby."

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