Authors Note

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I'd like to start off by thanking everyone who has been reading this story. Whether you've just started reading, or been here since day one, getting as far as we have in this story wouldn't have been possible without you guys. Thank you so, so much.

Why I'm writing this author's note is to give you guys a much needed explanation of why this story hasn't been updated in forever. Almost a year ago, I "lost" someone who used to be very important to me. My best friend. When she kicked me to the curb for her boyfriend, I had gone into this weird state of depression. But in complete honesty, I don't think depression is the proper word in this situation.

I was extremely upset over the whole ordeal. I cried for days, I wouldn't talk to anyone, I completely shut myself out of the world the rest of the summer. I was afraid of hurting someone like I apparently did to her, when all I was trying to do was be the best friend I could be.

Things didn't get better as school started up again. I grew fearful every time I saw her. I was still afraid to make new friends. But then I met a girl who turned my world around. As much as I was still very afraid, I knew I had somebody there.

Then, I saw the film that started this crazy story. At that moment in time, you have no idea how happy I was when I walked out of that theatre. That crazy film led to me writing my first trolls fic around Christmas time. Situation with a Secret Santa. After that story came to an end, something was missing. I needed to put something else out there. That's when this party started.

Life was good. I was finally becoming the happy person I used to be. But it wasn't until a month ago when the sudden feeling of fear and sadness came back to haunt me. When it started coming back, I went straight to writing the next chapter. Hoping that it'll make me feel better. But it wasn't. It was becoming extremely difficult to write this happy-go-lucky chapter without accidentally throwing something personal in there and feeling terrible.

That's when I decided to take a break. I couldn't risk harming anyone with my emotional breakdown.

After a week or two, I was getting some messages asking where I had gone. But I didn't respond, afraid to come off rude and nasty when emotionally, I was having a difficult time.

I apologize for not saying anything sooner to you guys. You guys are the greatest and I am so glad that many of you cared to reach out and ask if I was alright. If I could hug all of you, I would.

This story isn't over yet so don't worry. As I am slowly getting back up, I'm finally gonna get back to updating this fic.

The next update should be out tomorrow! And once again, thank you so much for following this story. Without you guys, it wouldn't be possible to make it this far.

If you want to interact more with me, I'm almost always on tumblr: xxthederptorxx

There you can are free to ask questions about that fic, input suggestions on what should happen next, send me your reactions, fan art if there's any, or just wanna chat!

Thank you so much for making this fic possible and I can't wait to get back to it :)

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