Chapter 29: If you think you're ready

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Branch sat there blank faced, the words that she had just spoke. A minute or so ago replayed over and over in his head.

"I think it's time we had a baby."

Nope, couldn't be reality.

"I think it's time we had a baby."

It couldn't be reality. Poppy grew a worried face, expecting this type of reaction from the survivalist. Her worried face turned to a face of fear as she felt the tears slowly form in her eyes, and blinked them away.

"I'm sorry Branch..! We can wait a little longer if you want to..! I don't mean to rush us..! I j-just-" The pink troll was silenced by the kiss of her lover. Her cheeks burned a rosy hue, just like when they first started dating. Branch slowly broke their kiss and moved backward, Poppy's eyes opening wide.

"Poppy, I love you with all of my heart. You know that. I know I can be a bit of a worrier, I panic, freak out, and a bunch of other stuff.. But if you think you're ready.."

The pink troll's smile began to shine as he gave her a soft one with open arms. Quickly running around the table, she embraced him in a tight hug, planting another kiss on his lips. The smile she had painted on her face meant the world to him. Sure he was a little frightened for what would be in store for the two of them, but if she knew she was ready, he knew it was gonna be alright.

"Ooh~! There is so much planning to be done! Do we announce that we're planning on having a baby, or do we wait until after we see a sprout? No, we have to announce. The whole troll village will be there for the ceremony! And we'll have to plan a big party..!"

She could talk for hours, especially when she was really excited. Politely he asked for a to-go back, placed their treats inside, held her hand as she rambled on outside. They were almost home when she stopped in the middle of her tracks.

"What? What's wrong?" Branch asked.

"I, I don't want the village at our ceremony... I want it to be just us..."

"Oh thank troll she said that.." He thought silently to himself. As much as he loved her upbeat, perky, social attitude, he believed that it was right that this moment between them should be private and passionate. Sure the passion wouldn't have went away between them with the crowd, he would just feel more comfortable without them there.

"Oh? Mrs. Social doesn't want a crowd? That's rare." Despite his sarcasm, she chuckled.

"Well, I didn't want you to get embarrassed when I bite your sweet spot and you squeal." His face burned a dark hue. Poppy smirked as she opened the door into the now not-so-hidden home.

     "Oh Branch you know I'm just messing with you." She said planting a kiss on his cheek before going into the other room to put on a pot of water. Afterwards, the two sat down across each other, hand in hand on the table they were at. Clearly she was very excited to start planning for their new arrival.

     A typical trolling ceremony starts with the two parents placing their mark onto the tree. Any tree. Typically in the royal heritage, their children sprouted on the ever so magical troll tree. Why? It was just tradition. But Poppy was a little unsure about leaving her little one so far from home.

     "I dunno.. I know it's tradition, but they'd be so far away.."

     "Why don't we make a deal. For the first few weeks we can stay here and let the pod grow. When it gets closer to the date he or she will arrive, we'll stay with your dad." It wasn't really normal for Branch to be calm with things like this. It was kinda like they switched brains or something.

     But for now, she was glad with how calm and relax he was on the outside. On the inside though, he was freaking out big time.

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