Chapter 45: A sweet Melody

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It wasn't exactly night-time yet, but it was definitely getting dark out when Poppy walked out of the bunker. Holding the baby close, he went after his angry wife. Branch gently touched her shoulder, causing her to come to a stop.

"Hey, what's the matter..?" He spoke ever so softly. The pink troll's eyes were beginning to weld up with tears, but didn't allow them to break free.

"Nothing's wrong. You can go back home Branch."

"Come on Poppy. You just walked out while everyone was standing there. That's not like you."

Poppy stood silent for a minute. Shortly afterwards, she began to walk again. Once again, Branch touched her shoulder.


"Branch, can we talk... somewhere else..? Please?"

The teal troll straightened up as he himself could get a sentence out of his mouth. Nodding, he walked alongside his wife. One arm held the sleeping baby, the other holding his wife's hand. The two came to a stop at a bench where they sat on one of their first dates around Christmas time. Poppy was the first one to take a seat, Branch following behind sitting next to her. She gently took the newborn from his arms as she began to rub her rosy cheeks with a finger.

"Branch, I know it was kinda silly to forget to name our child when she was born, and I'm sorry I didn't really have any names sooner.. But what we did just now, as much as I loved the name.."

A deep sigh came from her mouth as she then looked up to him.

"It just... didn't feel right... Her name should be something special. Something that truly fits her.."

     The teal troll said there wide eyed as he listened to her speak. In all honesty, he never hear her talk so passionately about anything in her life. Not even for parties and glitter.

     "Whenever trolls will ask her "hey how'd you get your name?" I don't want her to say "oh my parents pulled it outta a hat." That's just, not right." She continued as the child opened her eyes and noticed her mother getting frustrated. Tears began to flow into her eyes as they prepared to leak.

     Poppy stopped mid sentence as she heard her little one begin to whine and prepared for the screaming and tears that were gonna come in the next minute. Maybe two.

     "Oh princess I'm sorry.. Please don't cry.." the pink troll said as she bounced the baby up and down. Unfortunately, that didn't help at all. In fact, it kinda made it worse. The baby was very loud, but not at the point to where she was screaming. After trying at least four techniques she read in a baby book, she handed her off to her husband and laid her face inside her hands.

     "I don't know why I ever thought I could handle being a mom.." she spoke as tears began to flow out of her eyes.

     Great. Now both of his girl's were crying. Branch rubbed Poppy's back and tried bouncing the baby again to calm her down.

     "Pops, you can't blame yourself for this. She's only crying.. It's alright.. So what we're not perfect parents? It's our first day on the job. We're gonna make tons of mistakes over the next few years. But that's okay. Cause we're gonna do it together. Because we can handle anything." Branch was always a cornball, but it actually made the pink troll feel a little better. Wiping her tears, she took the crying baby and began to gently rock her.

     "Twinkle, Twinkle, how time flies.. Slowly in the starry skies.."

     Branch began to chime in.

     "Baby please, close your eyes.."

     "You're as sweet as,"

     "Apple pies.."

     "As you grow, and love, and play.."

     "In our hearts, you'll always stay.."

     "So sleep and dream the night away.." Poppy ended the song as she noticed the little one had fallen asleep. Having an epiphany, she incoherently gasped and turned to Branch.

     "Melody.. Her name should be Melody."

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