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Louis' pov

I am so happy to finally be outta school. I never want to see that place again, school is literally the worst.

I managed to sweet talk myself out of detention by showing the beta teacher a little bit of thigh meat and threatened to tell the principal that I caught him watching porn.

Truth is I didn't, I took a big risk using that as a threat.

"Good evening boys, how was your day without yours truly?" I ask with a fake smile knowing that it's pissing Harry off.

"We are not in the mood, beautiful." Eddie sighs rubbing a hand on his thigh.

"Aww what's wrong." Part of me is teasing but part of me is genuine.

"Not now Louis." Marcel says. I am taken aback at the use of my first name.

"Okay." I say quietly climbing into the truck without another word

It was awkward on the way home, almost as if no one knew what to say.

"Mom!" I yelled when I walked through.

"She's not here," Harry sneered.

"What is your problem!?" I sat starting to get fed up.

"My problem!?" He says walking up to me.

"Yeah!" I say. The others have disappeared most likely meaning Marcel is in his room because he hates being around us when we fight and edward is probably off getting high.

"Why the fuck do you smell like that rotting piece of shit Zayn. He's in my face making my wolf weary.

I lower my face in shame and pout. He acts like he's my dad, but since he's an alpha, I have to listen to him.

Zayn and the triplets used to be really good friends and then they just stopped hanging out suddenly and are pissed that Zayn and I never really stopped. Zayn's sorta a friend even if he can be a bit much sometimes.

I huffed and stomp away as he continues his rant.

"And that skirt is too short!" he yells as I slam my bedroom door.

To: Zaynie💖💖

Hey do you want to have some fun tonight?

From: Zaynie💖💖

Course I'm always down to see you.

To: Zaynie💖💖

We can go clubbing. Pick me up in an hour.xx

From: Zaynie💖💖


I hurry up and hop in the shower. Letting the water run over me as I lather soap in my hair.

My mind wanders to Harry, why does he have such a problem with Zayn. Yeah I mean he is nothing but a major flirt and a good hook up but other then that, we are friends. And vampires pose no threat to the werewolf community at the moment.

I turn off the tap before grabbing a towel to dry off. I go over to my closet to grab my most revealing outfit before grabbing a pair of lacy panties.

I slip them on before putting my dress on over it. I grab my black pumps, lip gloss then walk out my bedroom door and to the kitchen to grab a glass of water really quick before I leave.

"What the fuck are you wearing? Got a date or something."Edward approaches me angrily.

"Im going out." I say nonchalantly.

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