Is this the part where we say goodbye?

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Forever in each other's arms didnt last very long when a newly bitten, sleep deprived Harry answered the door with a yawn and an attempt to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"What?" Harry asks the dark haired vampire perched on his doorstep.

"I've come to see our Little Lou" Niall's bright blue eyes sparkle mischievously.

"My little Lou" Harry growls wincing when he's smacked on the arm (Louis can't reach the back of his head ok).

"Who you callin' little" Louis pouts, rubbing his eyes as he yawns.

"Hi Louis" Niall hums with a mischievous look on his face.

"I'm going back to bed" Harry rolls his eyes yawning before making his way back upstairs.

"What brings you here" Louis says softly turning to waddle his way into the kitchen for a glass of tea as Niall takes a seat at the island.

"I've come to steal you for a weekend getaway" Niall uses jazz hands as if Louis' won a trip to Maui.

"Let me guess, you and Liam are fighting" Louis rolls his eyes and rubs his temples, this wouldn't be the first time.

"No, we're great. I kissed Zayn. Anyways my great grandfather passed and so my parents are taking a trip up to the Mansion to check it out and see if we want to see and I figured it'd be something fun for us to do before everyone graduates and leaves us behind." He shrugs hopping onto the counter.

"Wait a sec, you what?" Louis sighs rubbing his temple.

"My great grandfathers mansion?" Niall furrows his brows.

"You know that's not what I meant" Louis glares.

"Um I hung out with Zayn and Um we- well we kissed and um, it was nice and I got drunk and slept with him and now we're kinda boyfriends." Niall explains looking down at his lap as he plays with his fingers.

"YOUVE GOT TO BE FOOKIN KIDDING ME MATE!" Louis' noisy voice rings though the house startling his mates with causing him to pause momentarily because he's never been able to feel them wake up, a small smile makes its way into his face before it's gone and replaced, once again by Louis' fiery glare.

"Zayn's a whore!"

"You kissed him!" Niall yells back.

"You what!" Comes from Edward

"Well you fucked him!" Louis ignores the overwhelming amount of jealousy flowing through his bond, needing anything to get the attention off from himself.


"YOU WHAT!" Harry's the one to speak this time and Louis looks like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Hey- Uh what's going on here?"Josh asks walking through the front door.

"OH GREAT LETS JUST BRING EVERYBODY THAT LOUIS' BEEN WITH HERE!" Harrys yelling again, he really is a sensitive pup.

Josh looks confused and the mortified before laughing.

"You think- you thought Louis and I fucked? Oh this is golden." He doubles over in laughter before continuing.

"I wish that's what we were doing when we hung out, all he ever did was talk about you three" Josh wipes his eyes before rolling them at all of the times Louis would stay the night just to cry about how much he loved the three boys he though he could never have.

"Yeah, well we don't talk about that" Louis crosses his arms glaring hard.

"You slept with Zayn!!"Harry repeats again with a glare of his own.

"What I did before this relationship is none of your business Harry, it's not like I've been with anyone else since." Louis rolls his eyes.

"It's not like you can say the same Harry!" Edward argues but Louis doesn't get to voice his confusion before Harry is speaking again.

"NEITHER CAN YOU!" The vein in Harry's neck looks like it's about to burst and his entire face is red. Niall and josh are shocked, Marcel looks scared and Louis looks annoyed.

"Yeah we get it! You guys wanted me to make the team!" Louis rolls his eyes until he notices the guilty look on Harry's face and the fact that edward was still glaring into the side of his triplets skull.

"When you left, Harry spent his nights getting drunk and picking up women who looked even remotely similar to you, as his way of coping."Edward explains, eyes never wavering from Harry.

"You...cheated on me. You cheated on me!? I spent months believing I wasn't good enough!!! Apparently I was right!"

"What about you! Do you have something you'd like to confess?!" Louis growls at Marcel.

He looks hurt at Louis for even suggesting it before his face hardens.

"You t-took my virginity" He whispers and glares at the floor.

Everyone is quiet.

"I wish I could say that same." Louis sighs rubbing his temples.

Harry smiles like he's won.

"I wish I could say the same to any of you" Louis shakes his head with a sigh.

"I didn't only kiss Zayn I gave him my virginity." Louis looks up at them slowly before Harry starts laughing.

"No you didn't" He waits.

"No. You. Didn't." Harrys face hardens.

"I was so nervous for my first time with you that I let Zayn show me how it should be done, it meant something because he was my best friend but I couldn't bare the thought of not being good enough for you" Louis spots taking a deep breath to compose himself a bit.

"I knew I'd be too nervous because I wanted to be perfect for you so I let Zayn show me what I needed to do to please you, to be enough for you. You cheated on me and proved me wrong anyways so we're even." Louis explains pulling a bottle of Tequila from the freezer before pouring himself a shot.

He pours one for Niall before sliding it over.

"Oh um, I can't, I'm pregnant." Niall's hands start to shake as he stares at the ceiling.

No one dares to move, no one dares to make a sound.

"'S great mate," Louis glances at Niall's stomach for a second before swallowing the shot he had poured for Niall.

"I've got a hostile uterus" Louis laughs like it's funny.

"I'll kill it before it can even develop a heartbeat." He sighs giving up on the shots, bringing the bottle directly to his lips before taking three bigs gulps.

"Apparently heavy drugs and liquor is not the way to get over your unborn child" He hiccups before staring at Niall again.

"You said it's a mansion?"

"Yes" Niall nods slowly.

"Great! More than enough room for all of us to be separated!" He claps sarcastically.

"Josh you should come, bring Tyler, it'll be great, loads of fun." Louis nods towards Josh before turning his attention back to Niall.

"Niall good luck with your relationship sorry if I've strained it in anyway, I'm good at being a disappointment" he laughs with a fake smile, the salt from his tears case his lips, he doesn't even know when that started.

He turns to address his audience, all five sets of eyes are on him.

"Well what are we waiting for!? I'm gonna go pack" he explains snatching the bottle off from his counter and making his way to his room.

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