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5 weeks later.

Today will be the first time I've been home in 5 weeks. Not long after finding out what Harry had been up to I found out Edward was just the same.

I destroyed Taylor's car.

Got a tattoo.

Dyed my hair.

And picked up a smoking habit.

Walking in the house was nothing special. No swarms of people around me telling me how much they miss me, how they were worried sick and how I'm never allowed to leave again.

The only sound that can be heard is the clicking of my black combat boots.

"Hello?" I say.

Perfect no ones home.

I head straight to my room. Packing up more of my things as quick as I can. Stuffing bag after bag.

I bring them all down the stairs basically gasping for air.

I'm way too lazy to be doing this much.

I see cake sitting on the whole counter and I can't resist.

I'm three pieces in when I hear the door unlock and laughter coming through it.

"Louis?" Their faces fall.

"Erm" I say trying to swallow all of the cake I just shove into my mouth.

"Hi?" I say questionably.

In the blink of an eye I'm being held by my neck against the fridge door.

"What. The fuck. Were you thinking!?!" Harry's words are venomous against my face.

"I could say the same to you" my body goes limp. I just don't care anymore. I don't feel love or hurt or happy or empty.

Every bit of my being is filled with rage.

"Don't fucking touch me" I shove him off and I never thought I'd be strong enough to do that even on this moment.

Rage does that to people I guess.

"Louis.." Marcel cries.

"This isn't in any way your fault marcel. But having to look at your face after knowing what he did to me hurt like a bitch" I crack my neck.

Harry reaches out for me again.

I slap his hand away.

"What the fuck did I say about touching me." I growl.

"I'll do what I want with what's mine" he spits out

"Yours?" I laugh out.

"Was I yours when you were fucking that bitch?" I shout

"You had me wrapped so tightly around your stupid fucking finger I couldn't think for myself. Every waking moment I spent thinking of the three of you, always of how my choices would effect you always how to make you happy but I finally lived for myself for once. I don't need you. I don't need any of you." I'm shaking by the time I'm done spitting off.

"I've gotten in touch with my biological siblings...I'm going to see mom and then I'm leaving." I sigh.

"I fucking did it for you!!!! We both did!" Harry finally speaks up as if he was letting it build inside.

"For what? To be a cheerleader? Grow the fuck up Harry. I would've been fine. Being rejected by the cheer squad is something I would've gotten over." I pick up the two little bags I packed.

"Did it mean nothing for us as well?" I whisper barely even wanting to revisit the thought.

"It meant everything to me Lou" He can't even look me in the eye when he whispers those words.

Mayhem with the Styles tripletsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora