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The first week back to school mated was rough for all of the boys, extreme jealousy coursing through their veins anytime anyone touched Louis whether it was a gentle shoulder touch or a friendly hug.

Louis felt the same for each of his alphas they were basically the schools sex icons and now they're all off the market but apparently that means absolutely nothing to most of the people at school.

And Louis hates it.

"Hi Alpha," Louis purrs pulling Harry into a sloppy kiss turning to look at the girl with a smirk playing on his face.

"Oh my gosh,I didn't even see you there! Hi I'm Harry's mate and who might you be" Louis blinks at her, waiting for a response.

"Leaving" she scoffs.

"Thought so" He smirks turning to face Harry again.

"Louis she was just being friendly." He sighs, eyes gleaming in adoration for his tiny mate.

"No she wanted to suck your dick, I should know I make the same face when I wanna get my way" he scoffs wrapping Harry's arms around himself.

"Good to know" Harry smirks.

"Harry I swear to god I'll make you eat my ass in the boys bathroom if you don't stop" He huffs out snuggling into the laughing alpha.

"You'll make me?" He says once he's calmed down a bit.

"Yes I'll make you, are you gonna tell me no?" He raises his eyebrow at Harry.

"I can and I will if I need to" he kisses the boys cheek.

"I have two other alphas more than willing to help me if you do" he says examining his nails pretending like the alphas words didn't bug him.

"I'll just tell them you've been naughty." Harry smirks.

"You wouldn't dare" He scoffs.

"Oh I would darling, I absolutely would." He tightens his hold around the tiny boy.

"There is 800 students in this school. 374 of them are alphas I'm sure I can find help if I ne-" he hands wrapping around his throat stoping his taunting words.

"I really suggest you don't finish that baby" Harry is livid and the small omega loves every second of it.

And after Harry fucks the small boy into submission, Louis gives him a lazy smile saying two simple words.

"I win"


When Louis fixes himself up and goes to class sitting next to Niall the omega make sure to point out that his friend indeed smells like sex.

"Well let me use some of your perfume." Niall rolls his eyes pulling it out and handing it to his best friend.

"You're lucky I love you, you whore" And Louis giggles.

"Only a whore for my alphas"


When lunchtime rolls around the boys all discuss seats, they all used to sit at separate tables but now that they're mates they'd rather be seated by each other.

"I wanna sit with my friends, you guys can sit wherever you want it's fine, this doesn't have to change," Louis explains.

"We're sitting next to you" Edward scoffs.

"Fine come along"

Louis rolls his eyes taking a seat next to Niall, Marcel sits next him resting a hand on his thigh while Harry sits directly across from his and Edward sits next to him.

"you obviously know Niall, Zayn, and Liam" he points out absentmindedly slipping off his shoes putting his feet in Harry's lap, to which the alpha gives him a raised brow, he shrugs.

"But that's Jade, Lana, Sebastian and Will" Louis points to every one after saying their names. They all wave in acknowledgement.

"Well I'm Marcel-"

"They know who you are" Louis giggles as a blush arises on his cheek.

"We talk about what it be like to fuck you guys at least 3 times a week" Niall laughs loudly, and Liam huffs to which Niall gives him a reassuring kiss.

"I don't!" Louis protests with a blush on his face.

"You don't have to anymore, you know what's it's like to fuck them." Lana scoffs

Louis rolls eyes, side eyeing his mates to find each of them smirking at him darkly.

"I'm not telling you about our sex life, they're right there, I feed their egos enough on a daily basis, they don't need this too." Louis groans covering his face.

"I have to hear this" Edward smirks.

Everyone watches as he leans over to Niall and whispers in his ear.

"I let Harry and Marcel double pen me last night" he whispers quiet enough that only the blonde omega can hear, they all watch as blush rises to Louis' cheeks and Niall's eyes start to widen.

"Louis you whore!" Niall yells and Louis slaps a hand over his mouth as people begin to quiet down and look over at their table.

"This is why nobody tells you things Niall"

"I tell you everything me and Liam do" he protested.

"You do?" Liam blushes.

"Yes and every time I tell you I don't wanna know!" Louis huffs ignoring Liam's words.

"You do?" Liam asks again.

"Shush, I didn't tell him about the sex swing" Niall says.

"You just did!" Liam shouts.

"Oops" he covers his mouth.

"Hi, we are all still here" Louis waves sliding his hand into the one Marcel has resting on his thigh.

"Even I'm not that kinky" Louis laughs.

"We wouldn't know, you haven't spilt the details," Sebastian a fellow omega huffs.

"What happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom" He smirks.

"And shower" Edward chuckles

"And Car" Marcel smiles Innocently.

"And movie theater" Harry mumbles nonchalantly.

"Harry" Louis gasps covering his face with his hands, trying to pull his feet from the alphas lap but he holds them there.

"Who knew innocent Louis could be such a whore" someone says Louis doesn't know who because his face is still covered.

They all laugh at the comment and the tension is ultimately broken.

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