The beach

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We've finally made it to the beach and it is beautiful.

I don't know why but I love the beach, the sand in between my toes. The salty smell of the water, the seagulls chirping nearby.

I wish I would've brought my sketch pad.

I'm not the best artist, but I can sketch pretty good.

No one knows but I've drawn Harry a few times. Edward once, he was washing the dishes in the kitchen and the light was radiating on him perfectly.

I've never been able to draw Marcel because he's fidgety, he cant just stay in one place so he's always moving.

But Harry, I draw him when he least expects it, when he's casually playing the Xbox in the den or when he's on the phone, when he's smoking a cigarette under the bleachers at school.

He's never noticed. He's my private model, and he doesn't even know it.

"So it's beautiful, yeah?" Josh asks breaking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah." I say taking in the breeze.

"You wanna go walk the pier." He gestures in the direction of the pier.

"Yeah," I smile.

I never really get to go to the beach because my brothers hate it and Niall burns easily, so we have to put a lot of sunblock on him then we can only stay a few hours before the sun block wears off.


{Edward's POV}

So since the day we were born and approved to be alpha triplets it was kind of an unspoken agreement that we were going the mate together. It's kinda weird and incest but I'm not complaining. Harry has a big dick and man that thing can do wonders for the body. I'll admit, we all have big dicks, of course they wouldn't be normal sized because we are wolves but Harry's is the longest at 11 1/2 in then me at 11but I'm big in length and thickness, Marcel is the smallest out us, his only reaching 10 and three quarters, but his is the thickest, it can get boring fucking the same people Everytime you need to release.

So here I am trying to sneak out of the house to go meet up with this random girl who was looking for a Hook up.

All I have to do is get past Harry's room and then I'm home free.

I don't know if Marcel is home but I know that mom is gone because she had a Call-in today.

I slowly open the door to my bedroom, and walk out, I slowly start to creep down the hallway, and if it couldn't be any more cliche the floor creeks, right in front of Harry's room, honestly this house has set me up for failure.

He opens his door and Leans against it.

"Where are you going?"Harry asks.

"Shit" I mutter

"Umm, I'm just going out with some friends" I tell him.

"Some friends?" He quirks an eyebrow,

" Yup, you know" I try to say as nonchalant as I can.

"Hmm, alright be back before 11" he says turning to walk into his room.

I sigh in relief and run to the front door and head to my car.

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