Happy ending

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"What the fuck!?" He shouts at me and I flinch not expecting that sort of reaction.

"I'm home" I say hanging my head.

"Yeah I can fucking see that" he says storms off.

I stand watching his back as he stomps up the stairs, I jump when I hear the door slam.

I finish setting the table this time without rolls and call everyone In for dinner.

"I've made chicken, stuffed with Mozzarella, wrapped in Parma ham, with a side of homemade mash....I worked really had on it and it's my first time so go easy on the criticism. But this and something else is my way of apologizing for my absence." I finish taking my seat next to Marcel.

"Do you wanna do the honors mom?" I ask.

"Oh yes!!! We're taking a vacation!!!" She says excitedly.

"Where to?" Edward is the first to ask.

"The Bahamas. It's sorta like a family retreat for all of us. To remember how we once were instead of how we are now I love all of you so much and I know you all feel the same about each other."

"I just want the family back." She sighs.

"Anyways lets dig in!" I finally say.

The food is really good surprisingly and I'm really proud of myself for my first.

"So Louis I've been meaning to ask you what made you decide to dye your hair pink?" Mom says taking a bit of mash.

"I was getting bored with my look, and apparently I wasn't the only one" I give out a sickeningly sweet smile.

Harry scoffs.

"Well are you happy with it now?" Mom smiles.

"Yeah. It's made me realize that the only opinion about myself I should be caring about is my own." I shrug.

"What, are we supposed to go on this trip like he hasn't vanished for the last month?" Harry spits.

"yes that is exactly what we're doing I want us to be a family again." Mom says.

"Fuck this" Harry says storming off.

"We leave in two days!" Mom shouts.

"Two days? Don't you think that's kinda fast?" Marcel says.

"It's never two fast when trying to rebuild this family." Mom says

" I agree, I think this family trip will be a great idea." Edwards says.

"Anyways great dinner Louis." Edward says and everyone agrees.

"Uh thank you"


After clearing the table and helping with the dishes I called it an early night which was a mistake because I simply couldn't sleep.

My mind was constantly racing and the thought of sleep wasn't even there.

I felt uncomfortable in my own room, I felt like I didn't belong.

So when I snuck off to Marcel's room I was slightly regretting it.

Normally I would've just crawled into the bed with him but then I remind myself that this is no longer my territory and I need to have respect and boundaries.

"Marcie?" I say from the entry to his bedroom.

He doesn't move a muscle.

"Marcel?" I say again but this time louder.

He groans softly leaning up to ruffle his curls, turning on the lamp and grabbing his glasses that rested on his bedside table.

"Lou?" He whispers out.

"C-can I sleep with you?" I ask shyly.

"Umm yeah sure" he nods making some room.

I make my way over to him before stops me.

"Oh w-wait...I uh, I'm not wearing anything" he says shyly.

"Oh uh, well you don't have to put anything on if you don't want to... I mean I'm intruding in your personal space you should be allowed to be comfortable." I cough slightly into my hand.

"You sure I can slip something on if you'd like. I wouldn't wanna make you uncomfortable or anything." He rubs his arm.

"You could never" I say seriously staring right into his stupid eyes.

Stupid Louis, stupid, stupid, stupid.

"W-well okay." He says scooting up the bed causing the blanket to drop lower exposing his lower abdomen and the tiniest amount of pubes.

"O-or maybe you should put something on" I gasp out.

"Okay" he chuckles.

"Want me to turn around?" I ask.

"No you're fine" he smiles before standing up without a care in the world walking over to his dresser to pull out a pair of boxers.

He quickly slips them on before climbing back into the bed.

"You coming?" he smirks holding up the blanket.

I finally allow myself to breathe before slowing getting into the bed.

He reaches over me to turn of the light but I can't help but smell the amazing scent that is him.

Before he gets a chance to settle back into his spot im wrap myself around him and breathe deeply into his neck.

"My god you smell so good" I can't stop myself from moaning at the pleasurable smell.

"Louis" he chuckles at me I as slowly pull my face from his neck in shame.

He looks down on me with a bright smile plastered on his that slowly starts to fall as he focuses on my lips.

I lean up to take his against my own as if I'm starving for him.

"God, I've missed you baby" he whispers against my mouth as I run my nails over his back.

His eyes are dark and wide as I feel his arousal seeping into my core.

"Baby" he sighs as I lick up his neck to bite his ear lobe.

Its safe to say the night had a happy ending.

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