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After my race Marcel wanted to race a couple of times before we headed home so me and Damon decided to go near the bonfire.

He throws me a beer.

"Is there anything else?" I scrunch my face in disgust.

"Afraid not shortcake" he grins.

"You sure you should be drinking that?" Stephen asks walking up behind me.

"I can take care of myself." I shrug taking out my pink pocket knife a stabbing into the can like I've done many times before.

Turns out i cannot take care of myself.

I waver in and out of consciousness hanging over someone's shoulder.

"You" Hiccup "you have a nice butt"

I hear a small laugh.

It's Marcel I can tell by the lightness of his voice.

But his ass.

I can't help but to reach down and squeeze it.

"Louis"he squeaks flipping me upright so I'm straddling him.

"Why did you drink so much?" He seems amused.

"Because it's FUUUNNNNNN" I flail my arms.

"Louis shhhh you're being loud" he chuckles.

"I'm sorry I'll being more quiet" Louis holds a finger to his mouth in a whisper while his eyes flutter.

He rests his head on Marcel's shoulder greedily latching on to his neck.

"Lou" Marcel sighs.

"Lou we're at the car you gotta let go." He tries to pull him away.

"Louis I have to drive."

Louis hums and shakes his head.

Marcel tried his hardest to pry Louis off but he just won't budge.

"Fine have it your way" he sighs hobbling to the drivers side and attempting to get in.

"Louis this is kinda hard" he sighs.

"We'll make it work" he hiccups.

He slips in uncomfortably and accidentally hit Louis' head on the doorframe giving out apologies and kisses.

He positions them so he can drive with ease.

Stop to get some food and water for Louis hydrating him before he decides to pass out.

Marcel walks him to his room changes him into something more comfortable before tucking him in, calling it a night.


I wake up with a massive headache. I groan and mentally thank marcel for leaving aspirin and a glass of water on my bed side table.

I decide to slip outta my clothes and take a shower, smelling of booze and cheap perfume.

I send Damon a quick text telling him I had fun and seeing if maybe I could come by today.

From: The hotter Salvatore💦(he picked it not me)

Of course you're always welcome you practically used to live here

I let him know I'll stop by after school. Usually I'd just skip but today's the day I found out if I made the team and I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Until my world fell apart....

I make a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs and jelly toast before going upstairs to finish getting ready for school.

I hear Harry's door open and I look up from my phone.

"Oh hi Louis!"


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