A mothers love

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I can't stay away forever.

They still my family they're still the people I grew up with.

And I'm hurt yes but did I really think I could stay away and hurt my mom like that.

I walk into the hospital and head straight to the cafeteria.

I know that's where she'll be it's the only break of the day.

The moment she see me tears prickle from my eyes, they're already fast pouring down her face.

"L-Louis? Oh god I've missed you so much," she runs into my arms.

I hold her as if my life depends on it.

"Never do that to me again" she sobs out.

And that's when I telling her everything. About the triplets, the drag race,Taylor, my biological family, bunking with the Salvatore's, (she noticed my smoking habit when we shared an embrace) and the cheerleading squad.


"You boys have always had a special little connection. And of course growing up you probably saw them more as you friends then your brothers and I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like an outcast here lou. I tried to love you like my own." She explains

"I love you like my mother. I love you like you were the one who birthed me. Why can't it just be the same with them. I don't wanna feel like this anymore it hurts. It hurts so bad I feel the burn in my chest with each fleeting memory." I cry out.

"Everything happens for a reason." She brushes the hair from my eyes.

"I love you so much mom and I'm so sorry if I hurt you it was never my intention nor did it come to my realization that I'd be hurting others by leaving. I-I just needed to get away." I sigh.

"But this is something I need to do. It's just a weekend. We're going camping and it'll help me connect with them. I really want you to meet them but I think it should wait till I get back and I've been taking online classes so I don't fall behind in school just in case you were wondering...didn't wanna accidentally run into the boys." I give her a small smile

"I know it's a lot all at once but I feel so overwhelmed it's like I can think straight and I get this feeling in my stomach that I just can't explain. I love you and I love them but I just want this family back to the way it was. And I'd like to re-find myself before I could even try."

"Oh Louis...I've missed you so much and you're so brave for telling me everything...go on this trip and have fun, find yourself and come back to me and we can fix things within ourselves. I'll take some time off. We can take a vacation too! Reconnect and realize what it's all really about, yeah?" She smiles.

"Yeah" and for the first time in the last few weeks I smile a genuine smile.

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