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Edward and I had a much needed talk that ended quite well.

"C-can I um....smell you? It's just been a while and I just need to, you know?" he says looking down slightly embarrassed.

"I...Yeah of course" he say presenting my neck to him.

It took seconds for him to shove his face against my jugular, moaning against it softly.

"I'm sorry you just smell so good, god you're irresistible" he sighs.

"I can- I can sleep in here if you want"I suggest.

"Yeah?" He asks hopefully.

"Yeah" I nod.

"Can I barrow a shirt?"

"No" he shakes his head

"No?" I question

"It's just that I wanna smell you. Only you." He says.

"Okay" I smile before slipping out of my jeans, folding them and setting them on his bedside table before snuggling into him.

"Goodnight" I say turning off the light.

"Goodnight Lou"


I'm startled awake by the sound of my mothers yelling.


I quite literally fall out of the bed, pulling the blanket down with me causing Edward to wake up to.

"Huh what?" He rubs his eyes.

"We're going to paradise!" I say excitedly

I bring all five of my bags downstairs in haste.

"Do you really need that many bags Lou we're only gonna be gone for two weeks" Mom says.

"Two weeks??? In that case i need more shoes."

I catch eye roll Harry gives and try to ignore it. I'm gonna make up with him on the trip even if it kills me.

We board the plane in our first class seats only to realize we're the only ones there.

I decided to sit by myself so I can spread out and sleep and I guess everyone follows suit each picking their own designated area for the flight.

I quickly drown the silence with music and try my hardest to sleep.


"Lou, we land in thirty minutes" mom shakes me.

"I'm up, I'm up" I sigh.

The thirty minutes went by quick and soon we were landing.

A driver is there holding up a sign with our name on it guiding us to a Yukon to be driven to the boat to ride to an ENTIRE PRIVATE ISLAND that my mother requested.

Crazy right!? It's only a ten minute ride to the very tiny island containing a House that has everything built into it plus servers and people who will get us things we need from the mainland.

We take a quick tour of everything before mom decides to speak.

"There are three rooms all with king sized beds. Edward and Marcel will share, Louis and Harry will share and I'll have the last room to myself."

Both Edward and Marcel seem content with the fact that they don't have to share with Harry but that's also means I'm the one that does.

We all go to our rooms to unpack.

"I-I can sleep on the floor?" I offer.

It's been so long since we've talked I feel like don't know our boundaries anymore.

"Don't care" he says emotionlessly walking off to put his toiletries is the bathroom.

I start to unpack my things and put them into their respective drawers before turning to so the same as Harry.

He bumps into me on his way out.

"Oops" he says reflectively.

"Hi" I smile slightly looking down on my feet.

"Stop following me" he growls.

Well I should've known the moment wouldn't last.

I finish putting my stuff into the bathroom and notice him finally putting his clothes away with his back to me.

"Harry..." I sigh out I don't know how to start this conversation.

"What" he stops but he doesn't turn to face me.

"I-I'm sorry." I feel my lip wobble attempting to hold back tears.

"I-I thought you were never coming back." For the first time since I've been back he's finally showing me some other emotion besides resentment.

"Maybe I shouldn't have" I sigh.

"Don't you dare say that." He holds a stern voice finally looking at me.

"W-why did you sleep with her?" By the time I finish the words I'm balling.

"Louis she took advantage of me... we were only meant to go out for drinks and then I wake up the next morning to her naked in my bed...she date-raped me." He sighs.

"I would never consensually sleep with her, holding hands and kissing was one thing because it didn't matter it was never the way we did it. And I would never do anything that intimate with anyone else because I had you...and then you were gone, and I was alone. And I had nothing, I had nobody." And he's trying his very hardest to hold back his tears.

"You still have me, even if I didn't want to be yours, i love you, Harry. I'm in love with you." I tell him bravely.

"You we're always mine, little wolf." He pulls me into his arms

And just like that things were back to normal.

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