Neat Tequila

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"Harder" Louis' obscene moans roll of his tongue with the taste of sleep in his mouth, Marcel doesn't mention it, obeying his boys' command giving it his all, heart breaking at the fact that Louis would leave him as soon as he'd cum just as he had been doing the last four days, the triplets taking turns feeding the boys insatiable hunger, the amount of condoms filling the bin was atrocious and it took much longer for everyone to get off, considering the amount of times they've used them, which used to be never but now Louis triple checks before letting any of them get him off, not that they mind they'll do anything to please their boy.

They've been at it for an hour, Marcel having to endure his biceps being bit and sucked on until they were raw, bite marks a scratches litter them beautifully and Marcel doesn't mind at all louis seems to be enjoying it and that honestly all that matters to him at the moment but he's tired and he's worried.

The boys can barely get a sentence out of the boy unless they're having sex and even then it's just "harder" or "more" or a series of curse words which usually Marcel would reprimand him for but louis is already on a downward spiral and Marcel refuses to be the one to make it worse.

Louis, cumming, is what pulls Marcel from his thoughts, him cumming soon after for the vise like grip Louis has on him.

"Fuck" Marcel sighs pulling out slowly flipping on his back next to Louis as he expertly ties the condom and throws it away.

He's breathing heavily, trying to calm himself down until he notices the flirty look Louis is giving him and he wants to cry.


Fucking someone twice on almost 3 hours of sleep would put anyone in a mood, it all started when Louis woke him up with handjob and he looked over to check the time, wanting to scream when it read 4:47am.

He'd been up all night doing his and Louis' homework and didn't finish till half past two.

He was exhausted as he got ready for school wanting nothing more than to crawl into bed and never leave but he had to turn in Louis' work for the week, he cared more about his boy failing than he did sleep.

"Sleep is for the dead" he kept whispering to himself as he searched for his missing sock.

He didn't bother gelling his hair or even brushing it for that matter just tossing it a few times before deeming it atleast presentable opting out on his contacts, slipping his glasses on his face after brushing his teeth.

He meets his brothers in Harry's Audi, Louis being already gone to school in his own car.

When they get there they find him happily talking but they can through his smile, with blood shot eyes and the aroma of alcohol wafting off from him.

They notice the sad smile on his face which Louis seems to ignore as the boy continues babbling.

"Hey guys" Niall says when they're close enough and they all watch as Louis stops talking and visibly tense up.

"Okay well I'm gonna go do that thing I was telling you about Niall I'll see you later." Louis says walking away in a hurry.

Harry looks angry, Edward looks hurt and Marcel is too tired to feel at the moment.

"So he day drinks" Niall deadpans, closing his Locker to look at the scruffy boys, all very tired eyes and Marcel is barely holding it together.

"His breath smells like my father's liquor cabinet and I can guarantee he's on more than just alcohol" Niall continues crossing his arms and giving a watery stare, he hates seeing his best friend like this.

"Look I know you can't help him if he doesn't want it but I just can't handle seeing him, or any of you for that matter, like this anymore" Niall sighs rubbing his temple.

"I'm taking him out tonight, Marcel you should take his car home you look like absolute shit." Niall giggles and Marcel snorts sarcastically.

"He's right you know, you should've stayed home mate." Liam chuckles walking up behind Niall wrapping his arm around his omegas waist.

"Wow" Liam blinks a few times before taking a whiff again.

"What?" Edward speaks up.

"You guys reek of omega did you not shower after you fucked him?" Liam almost laughed until he noticed the frown etched in their faces.

Of course they did, they had so much sex it's as if Louis is in heat, they couldn't get away with not showering after a session with Louis.

"He's marking his territory" Niall sighs shakily, all alphas look at him to explain further.

"It's normally what's pregnant omegas go through when the hormones kick in, having so much sex with their alphas that only their scent is prominent so other omegas know the alpha is spoken for, or he could be super upset and sex and drugs is his only way to cope." Niall shrugs grabbing Liam's hand and leading him away.

But that didn't stop Harry's thoughts as he thought of what to do later that night.

Marcel, on the other hand listened to everyone walking over to Louis' locker, putting in his combination before stealing his keys out of his bag, he snoops for a moment stealing some gum a spritzing some of Louis' perfume on his wrist sniffing it deeply before closing the locker and tiredly making his way out of the school and to Louis' car, much like Harry, Louis' car was is baby, owning his whole heart. He loved that car more than he hated himself he always says only to be reprimanded by his alphas, he didn't drive it nearly enough, would scream if even the smallest scratch got on it.

He did exactly as told driving Louis' car home, not bothering to lock the door he quickly throws his clothes off and falls into the bed.

Sound asleep.

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