Happy Birthday Yuzu! (Part 2)

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A/N: WHO'S WATCHING 4CC?! Also sorry I didn't post on Friday like I promised, I just didn't know what to write the chapter about...

"Guys I can't see" Yuzu whines waving his arms around to feel where we are

"Good that's the point of a blindfold" Javi laughs

"I promise we're not leading you into a pit of despair dear brother" Saya says patting Yuzu's shoulder from the front seat

The three of us had planned the night before to surprise Yuzu for his birthday. That's right a guy's girlfriend, best friend, and sister are horrible planners but on our behalf I think this birthday celebration is going to be pretty fun

"Saya-chan, I don't really trust you..." Yuzu trails off from beside me in the back seat where his right hand is gripped firmly in my left

"And why's that dear brother?" Saya asks in a fake offended voice

"Remember when I was 6 and you were teaching how to do a waltz jump? Your tripped me before I could jump..." he explains

I can't help but suppress a laugh while Javi full on bursts out laughing from the driver's seat

I can't believe the quad king himself was tripped on a waltz jump

"Hmmmm, I don't recall" Saya lies cluelessly

"You're such a liar Saya-chan!" Yuzu shouts

"Am not! You just didn't know how to use your toe pics"

"I did! You can't be making up lie-"

"We're here!" Javi shouts making sure to break up the sibling fight before all hell broke loose

"Come on birthday boy let's go" I say opening my door and helping Yuzu out the back seat

I carefully guide Yuzu into making sure to tell him to watch his step when ever something get's in his path

"Aaaaaaand we're here!" I cheer pulling his blind fold off

"Painting balling!?" Yuzu asks with a smile

"I know how much you wanted to do this as a kid Yuzu. Even when Mom told you we couldn't because you'd get a bunch of bruises but I guess you kind of do that professionally now" Saya says laughing at her brother's expression

"I love you Saya-chan!" Yuzu shouts and pulls his big sister in for a hug

That's the thing about siblings. You can yell at each other and pull each other's heads off but still love each other in the end. Rey and I used to be like that

"Alright guys let's get playing" Javi says mischievously, rubbing his hands together




After hearing the rules and getting into jump suites, the four of us where in the indoor paintball area

Yuzu and I were standing on the far end of the room while Javi and Saya stood at the other

And I guess you can guess who thought of the teams right? Captain Javi of course

"Players, get ready, get set, go!" said the monotoned voice over the speakers

"Let's go Yuzu!" I shout dragging him over to the first obstacle I saw

"Charlie, you can run but you can't hide!" Javi taunts from far away

I peak up over the obstacle and see Javi walking towards us

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now