chap. ten

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Luke's 'Dinner Party'

"I told you to wait for me at the airport, I was gonna pick you up." Keith whispered in his girl's ear.

"What does Luke have planned for us tonight?" Amy asked, looking around.

"I need a drink for this sh*t." Algee rubbed his temple.

"Algee slow down." Shelby said. "Oh hell no." Shelby sighed watching Luke and Shar walk in hand in hand.

"What is this?" Ronnie asked.

"We all have so many questions." Keith shook his head preparing for the fight he knew was about to happen.

"Hello everyone." Shar smiled.

Luke pulled out a chair for Shar to sit and then he sat down. Dinner was already on the table.

"So when do we get to eat?" Ricky asked rubbing his stomach.

"Not until after we pray." Luke stated. "Everybody join hands, close your eyes, and bow your heads."

"Who's praying?" Elijah looked around the table.

"Me. I'll do it." Ralph insisted. "Father God I thank you for bringing this family together for this lovely evening. I ask that you bless the people and hands that prepared this meal, and we have a peaceful night. Amen."

"Amen." The table said together.

"Let's eat." Luke said.

"So this dinner party was just because? Or did you have some announcements to make?" Bryshere asked.

"I have a big announcement to make. I chose to tell everybody at dinner as a family so there's no confusion." Luke said. He and Shar held hands and smiled at eachother.

"We're waiting." Woody said anxiously.

"I'm getting my own condo pretty soon. Oh, and Shar's pregnant with my baby."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Luke with blank expressions. You could've sworn they were doing the mannequin challenge.

Luke and Shar's smiles faded away. Johnny groaned and took in some wine.

"Congratulations Lucas." Vanessa, his mother cracked a smile. "Johnny, we're gonna be Grandparents. How exciting can this night get?"

"How far along is she?" Shamari asked.

"Three months." Shar answered.

"Do you know what you're having?" Amber asked.

"Well? What are we having? A little girl or a boy?" Ronnie and Shamari did this motion at the same time, indicating that they were ready to hear the baby's gender.

"A girl."

"A girl!" Woody acted fake surprised. Like the kind of surprise you act when you could care less. He preferred a boy but he knew he couldn't do nothing about it.

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