*Beware the Gemini Part 2 (ReidxMale!Reader)

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Spencer turned around without an answer and walked over to y/n.

"Y/n," Spencer called. "Y/n look at me."

Y/n did.

"I- I know you didn't do it, okay? I do. I know that you're innocent. Please, step down to me, okay? Come here."

"You believe me, but no one else will," y/n said, tears filling his eyes.

"They will! They'll see that there's minimal evidence and that you're innocent! Please, come here so I can hold you."

"I know you don't believe that. And I know part of you thinks I did it. I know you saw the shirt."

Spencer's stomach dropped.

"There's a good reason, I promise."

"Then tell me!" Spencer begged.

Y/n shook his head softly. "They'll think you made it all up. I love you, but it's time for me to be Rory Pond, and don't you dare be Amy."

"NO!" Spencer screamed, reaching for his boyfriend. Y/n had stepped backward off the ledge.

. . .

Y/n barely survived. The fall broke both his legs, fractured his pelvis, fractured and dislocated vertebrae T7-L5 (mid-back to the base of the spine), and fractured his skull, causing major swelling and minor internal bleeding.

"We can't predict how long he'll be out for," Dr. Liu told Spencer. "To be perfectly honest, we don't know if he's going to pull through."

It took everything he had for Spencer not to cry.

"Based on the injuries sustained we think he landed feet first then fell backward, hitting his head. While it wasn't the best way to land, it wasn't the worst." Dr. Liu let Spencer take what she said in before continuing. "I have a few basic questions to ask you about y/n if you don't mind. It's alright if you don't know the answers."

Spencer nodded and began answering questions about y/n's mental health.

. . .

It had been three months since y/n had jumped. He had made some improvements, enough to be taken off life-support. But doctors still weren't confident he would wake up. Spencer stopped seeing y/n, though he would call to ask about how he was doing.

14 months after y/n jumped Spencer called the hospital like he did every other day.

"Hi, um, I'd like to know how y/n y/l/n is doing? He was admitted— oh. Oh okay. Thank you. Y- yes I'll come right way. No, no. You don't need to tell him. Thank you." Spencer hung up and slid to the floor. He sat for a few minutes in disbelief before getting up and driving to the hospital.

. . .

"H- hi," Spencer timidly said. He stood awkwardly in the doorway.

Y/n grinned madly. "God I've missed you." Y/n looked at Spencer for a while more before realizing what happened before he jumped and looked away.

Spencer saw y/n's distress and walked over and sat next to him.

"Y/n," Spencer said, grabbing his hand. "I still love you. I never stopped loving you." He leaned over to kiss y/n, but he pulled away.

"You can't. You can't love me. You could lose your job."

Spencer stared quizzically at y/n before connecting the dots.

"Y/n/n, you're innocent. The killings started again a few months ago. We just caught the guy two weeks ago." Spencer fiddled with the edge of his shirt. "W- we messed up with the facial scanning. Your face only matches five of the eight key facial features. But th- that was enough for us to..."

Y/n sighed with relief. "It's okay, Spence."

The two sat in a warm silence before Spencer worked up the courage to ask y/n.

"Before you jumped, you said there was a reason? For the shirt? Do you remember it?"

Y/n nodded slowly. "Don was my, um, my first boyfriend."

Spencer tightened his grip.

"Spence, it was nothing. Well, not nothing. But it was a long time before I met you."

"Why did you have the shirt?" Spencer said, trying to keep him on topic.

"He gave it to me one night because it was ripped. I can stitch so I fixed it for him. He let me keep it because he said he had others and now I had something to remember him by in case anything happened." Tears were forming in y/n's eyes. "I was giving the shirt to his wife. I figured she'd want as much of Don as she could have."

Spencer nodded. "I'm so sorry any of this happened." Now he was the one crying.

Y/n shook his head. "This isn't your fault. I didn't talk to anyone."

The two held each other in silence before y/n asked the question he was dreading the answer to.

"Spence? Am I ever gonna walk again?"

Spencer locked eyes with y/n, a grim look on his face. Y/n closed his eyes in response.

"But it'll be okay," Spencer encouraged. "I'm gonna take care of you. And lots of people live very full lives in wheelchairs."

Y/n looked apprehensively at Spencer.

"What is it?"

"N- nothing."

Spencer raised his eyebrow at y/n.

"Okay, fine. But it's not important. It's just, well," y/n lowered his voice, "I might have a hard time giving you trouble now." Y/n smirked at Spencer, who was stifling a laugh.

"How naughty," Spencer managed to reply. "We should call the team and let them know you're awake."

"Oh we know, Pretty Boy." Morgan walked in, followed by the rest of the team.

Spencer looked mortified at y/n.

"Don't worry, they just got here," he said.

"But we did here you say something about being naughty," Prentiss replied.

After apologies were made the team spent the proceeding hours catching y/n up on the past year until they were ushered out by a frazzled nurse.

"Bye," Spencer said as he kissed y/n softly.

"Bye," he replied, kissing back a little harder.

"I'll be back first thing in the morning."

And he was for the next week until y/n was cleared to go home.

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