*Analytic Love (ReidxReader)

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Requested by Rebekah_Winchester15

"When we land, Morgan, JJ, and I will go to the dump site, Dave and Emily will visit the ME, Reid and y/n go to the field office. I want you working on the geographic profile and the code respectively."

You wanted to ask if you could switch with someone but Hotch turned around and began talking to Rossi.

"Damn it," you muttered.

At the field office, you began setting up the whiteboards, projector, and your notes.

"Okay y/n," you said to yourself. "You can do this."

About a half an hour later you hadn't gotten much done.

"Hey," Reid said, poking his head into the room. "Can I get you to look at this?"

"Sure!" you replied, a little too enthusiastically. "Uh, I mean, yeah, yeah."

You evaluated Reid's geographic profile for as long as you could, reluctant to go back to your own work.

"Uh, y/n, I appreciate the help but uh, I think I'm good now."

"You- you sure?"

"Yep," Reid awkwardly insisted.

"Okay." Your expression dropped a little as you shuffled back to the room you were working in.

Reid came to check on you an hour later.

"Hey, Hotch wants the co- what's wrong?"

You were in the corner crying.

"Hey," Reid cooed, sitting next to you. "What's wrong?"

"I- I'm- s- so ba- bad at m- math!" you wheezed. "All these n- numbers m- make no- no sense!"

Reid wrapped his arms around you and pulled your head into his chest, leaning his head on yours.

You cried harder.

"Shh, shh. It's okay. Hey, hey." He lifted your chin. "I'll help you, okay?"

You shook your head fervently. "The- the team c- can't kn- know."

"They won't," he assured.

You sniffled and stared at Reid for a moment before reluctantly nodding.

"Good," he replied with a goofy grin. Extending his hand he helped you up and led you to the board.

"That's all I've got so far," you said, pointing to some work in the corner. "It dead ended."

Reid looked at it quizzically then back at the code sheet.

"I thought that each number could be a letter? But that doesn't spell-"

"ASCII," Reid mumbled. "ASCII!" he exclaimed again.

You attempted to clear your head by shaking it vigorously. "WHAT?"

Reid frantically translated the code before calling Hotch. "Hotch, the victim is at Cove Park. Positive. Okay." He hung up.

"How do you know?" you begged in confusion.

"There's this code called ASCII and it has translations from decimals to hex to the Roman alphabet. I have it memorized."

"But what is 'hex'?"

"Here, I'll show you." Reid pulled out his laptop and began explaining the code to you.

As the two of you worked, you scooted closer and closer to each other. You eventually were leaning on each other and nearly holding hands.

You were so engrossed with your work you didn't notice the rest of the team come in.

"Should we..."

"No, Dave. Let them continue," Hotch said.

"Ah, young love. Funny, I don't remember it being so... nerdy," Rossi added with a chuckle.

Half an hour later you threw your pencil down in delight.

"I did it!" you cheered.

"Yes you did," Reid confirmed, beaming with pride.

You pulled him into a long hug.

"Thank you," you whispered.


You stared at each other for a few moments before Morgan interrupted.

"Just kiss already!"

Once you recovered from the slight shock you flicked your eyebrows up at Reid. "We have to give the people what they want," you teased.

The two of you closed the gap between you with a soft kiss.

As you pulled away, you could have sworn you saw Emily slipping JJ some money.


Hey Human!

If anyone's interested, here's the code from the fic...

70 73 78 68 72 69 82 66 69 70 79 82 69 77 73 68 78 73 71 72 84 65 84 67 79 86 69 80 65 82 75

Those numbers are in decimals, aka base 10. In order to do what Reid did in the fic, you're gonna need to convert each number to hexadecimal, aka base 16. Once you do that you just follow the ASCII code for hex number to character and you're golden.

(Yes, I know that you can convert decimals into the alphabet directly but it's less common so just work with me here. I did a lot of math for this...)


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