chapter 2

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Luke above
The second in command warrior threw me at my fathers feet, I stayed down until he told me to get up.

"Turn around you fat whore!" I looked down  I then turned around like he said.

He then ripped my shirt in half and got out his belt. He then hit me over and over again, until my back was bleeding.

I didn't dare make any sound knowing I would be beaten some more. He then got tired and kicked me in the stomach, making me fall.

"Son get her out of my sight, I'm tired of this slut getting in my way". My brother luke always cared for me but he had to do what my father said, luke gently grabbed my hand and took me to my room.

My hair stuck to my face from the blood and tears. Luke sat me down on my bed and hugged me. "I promise we will soon get out of here together, I will make sure of it." He said softly. He then left me alone in my room.

I had school tomorrow so I had to take a shower and get rid of the blood, I walked down to the shower that I was only aloud to use. I put down my towel and my chlothes and stripped out of my dirty ones. I turned on the shower getting it to the right temperature, I washed my hair and my body making sure all of the blood was off my skin. I got out of the shower and wrapped the Towel around my body and looked in the mirror, I had brusies on my face and my eyes where red from crying.

I dried off and took off the towel, I then put on my chlothes. I got out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, I went to the fridge and got out the ingredients for pasta and chicken Alfredo.

I made dinner for my mother, father, and my two brothers, Jason and luke. I left the plates on the counter for them, I then got out a two beers for mother and father. I then went into my room not eating anything since I wasn't aloud to, I finally went to sleep.

I was running through the woods my father chasing after me with other wolves behind him, i changed into my wolf gold and ran through the snow. I got tackled by a black wolf and passed out."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter of
Alpha Dimitri cya later guys! -Jackie ;)

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