chapter 15

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Dimitri's pov
I walked to every nearby pack, the only pack that I haven't been to is the dark moon pack. I know that she couldn't have gotten far, I guess I can check on the dark moon pack even though even if they did see her they would kill her instantly. The alpha of the dark moon pack was a hybrid, he was half wolf half vampire so hopefully she's not there. I shifted and put on my chlothes walking twords the dark moon pack border, I was greeted by two twins. "I'm here for my mate she ran away, I'm here to get her back I was wondering if she was here." I said calmly, they both looked at each other and then looked back at me. "Follow us, our alpha may know where she is." One of them said, I followed them both into a giant pack house. They told me to wait on the couch and I did, I waited and waited until I heard a door slam and the alpha of the dark moon pack came downstairs. "So I hear your looking for your mate, well since I'm being nice she is upstairs." He said, how come he hasn't killed her, I know that this alpha is not that nice. "Don't worry, your mate is fine and I didn't kill her because we'll she was very stubborn." He said as if he read my mind, I growled and followed him to a locked room, he messed with the lock but it wouldn't open. "GO AWAY YOU LIED TO ME I NEVER WANT TO SEE HIM AGAIN!" I heard Nina yell, my heart dropped and I looked down. "Come on hun just open the door, you can't stay here forever." He said softly through the door. I growled how dare he talk to my mate that way, he looked over at me and smirked. "Just go away, please.." I heard her say softly, I growled and kicked the door down. She looked up at me in suprise, I bent down and hugged her, I picked her up off the bed and carried her bridal style. She tried squirming in my arms but i held her close, she finally stopped squirming and took a deep breath. "Put me down dimitri i can walk." She said looking up at me, I don't trust her what if she runs away i sighed and put her down still not trusting her, i may love her but i know that she can play tricks. after awhile of walking no one said anything, it was just pure akward silence. "Why did you do it?" She said out of no where, I looked down and sighed. "I didn't mean to Nina and you know this, she forced herself on me and I'm really sorry." I said finally, maybe I should get rid of Alyssa from the pack, She looked up at me with golden eyes, gold must be in control now. "If she forced herself on you then you should've pushed her off of you, why didn't you is the question that Nina and i are asking." Said gold, she said it so calmly it was scary "I - I don't know..." I said, why didn't I push her off me. She sighed and turned away from me walking further ahead,I was going to say something else until growling stopped us both.

OML I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE, I hope u rlly enjoyed this btw dont kill meh chald. T^T

Alpha Dimitri Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя