chapter 26

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Unknown pov
The fact that Jason was so weak and let his sister go made me laugh, it's funny that he though that he could do this master plan to get rid of his sister and brother. It's was fun when I met the girl, she was pretty, but wasn't my type, deep deep down I felt Pity for her but I ignored it and kept on doing my job. Maybe I should pay her a visit in a few months or maybe I should visit her now, but that's something later I should do when I'm bored. I smirked to myself thinking about finally seeing her again.
Nina's pov
After yesterday's disaster, I got up early again I was still mad at dimitri  for making me drop my cake. I walked slowly and akwardly down the stairs, every week it looked like I was getting fat. I went to the kitchen and got out some ingredients for a big breakfast, I turned on the stove and put the bacon on the skillet to let it cook. I then got out some pop tarts and ate them while the bacon cooked, when the bacon was done I then got out some eggs and cracked them I to a diffrent pan. While the eggs where cooking I got out some bread and put them in the toaster, it smelled really good in the kitchen and i was suprised that dimitri wasn't down here already. I put the toast on a big plate along with the eggs and bacon, I put them on the table and got out two cups, I got out some hot chocolate and heated it up in the cup, I then put coffee in the other cup thankfully I knew what type of coffee dimitri liked. I put the two mugs on the table and went upstairs. Dimitri was still in bed and I shook him awake gently, he groaned and then opened his eyes slowly. "What are you doing up early" He said while sitting up and yawning. "I don't know I just made breakfast if you want any, I'm going to take a shower." I said and walked into the bathroom, I turned on the shower and kept on turning the knob till I got the right temperature. I finally got it to the right temperature and took off my chlothes getting into the warm shower. After my 20 minute shower I got out and dried off, I got out of the bathroom and picked out some sweatpants and a big shirt, I also put on dimitri's jacket since it was cold in the house. I went down stairs to see dimitri on his phone and eating small bites of the bacon, I narrowed my eyes and crept up behind him looking at who he was texting.

Alpha Darren: maybe we should train both of our packs together tomorrow and the rest of the packs can Tarun with each other also so then no one is left behind schedule.

Alpha dimitri: yeah that sounds like a good idea, hopefully we can win this fight.

Alpha Darren: yeah hopefully, well anyways see you at the meeting.

I hugged dimitri from behind and he jumped, I sighed and smiled. "So did you like breakfast?" I asked while getting in my own seat. He nodded and drank the rest of his coffee. "IA have to go soon again, it's another pack meeting since this war is an important thing all the packs have joined to help. I whined, I always hate it when dimitri leaves me. "Don't worry I'll be back before you know it, we'll I got to go now cya later." He said while getting up out of his chair and walking twords me, he kissed me on the forehead and left out the door. I sighed and got up out of my chair grabbing all of the dishes and putting them in the skin, I plopped on the couch and turned on the TV. After an hour I heard a door opening and closing upstairs, my heart started beating. I have seen a whole lot of horror movies so there is no way I'm going upstairs, I went to rhe kitchen and grabbed a knife for safety since I can't shift when I'm pregnant. I heard heavy shoes coming down the stairs, I braced myself and threw the knife at my robber. I opened my eyes and saw a rouge lying on the floor with a pool of blood around him, I stared at him in Shock and then screamed. A few warriors came in and saw the dead rouge on the floor and me freaking out, they picked up the dead rouge and one of them stayed behind to comfort me. The warrior who comforted me was a girl name jax, she was 18 was was mate less, we talk for awhile and she was talking about what her mate would be like and if he was strong and handsome. "Who know when you could meet your mate, but I hope you do jax I'm glad that we are friends." I said while smiling at her, she smiled back and hugged me. She said good bye and left out the door, I was kinda bored today so I decided to check up on my brother, apparently the rock i threw was very strong and he had to get some serious medical attention. I grabbed an apple and went to rhe hospital, when I got there i made my way twords my brothers room when I heard talking in there. "I cant belive your my mate, your the luna's brother I don't deserve you.." I heard a familiar voice say in my brothers hospital room. I secretly peeked my head through the crack in the door to see jax, I came up behind her hugged her tightly. "See I told you that you would find your mate!" I said happily, she smiled and hugged me back. "I just really didn't think it would be so soon, I guess we can never predict the moon goddess." She said while smiling down at my brother, I really felt happy for my new best friend and my brother, I knew that they would get along great.
Idk what happened in this chapter anymore but I knew that it was time to give luke a new mate, anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter - jackie ~♡~

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