chapter 43

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Nina POV
I was woken up by strong hand gently pushing me, I growled and turn over on my side. "Nina get up jax never came back last night aren't you worried about her?" He said getting up out of the bed, I quickly shot up and groaned when I felt my neck pop. "You shouldn't have laid on that couch so long, maybe then your neck wouldn't be cramping." He said while going down the stairs, I grumbled a shut up and got dressed. I quickly went down the stairs groaning obnoxiously, I flopped on the couch and groaned even louder. "JEUSUS WOMAN WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Dimitri yelled from the other side of the room, I sat up and gave him the middle finger.  I turned on the TV and sat with my legs crossed, a bar of chocolate dropped on my lap and I looked up to see Dimitri smiling down at me. I smiled back and quickly unwrapped the chocolate bar, I then dropped my half eaten chocolate bar and bolted up. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY BFF?!" I yelled for the entire house to hear, Dimitri came back over to the room and shrugged. I got up and went to call Darren, I waited awhile but he never answered. "Come on Dimitri we are going out to Darren's pack to find jax!" I said storming out of the house, we took the car mostly because I can't shift when I'm pregnant. "Look can I just drop you off I have a meeting and I'm sure Darren can drive you home." Dimitri said keeping his eyes on the road, I sighed and shrugged.

*******TWO HOURS LATER*******
Dimitri dropped me off and then drove away leaving me near Darren's pack house, I got stared at as I walked through the pack grounds but I ignored them. Darren came up to me and hugged me glently, I stared at him suspiciously. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked raising and eyebrow, I narrowed my eyes and walked past him still searching for Jax. "where is my bff, and I swear to god if you hurt her there will be hell to pay.." I said quietly still searching around, after awhile I gave up and turned to Darren who was still following me. "Where is she jackass?" I said crossing my arms and silently growling. "I really dont know and why are you so grumpy today"? He asked, I just stared at him and then slapped him. "Last night she went to YOUR pack and the she never came home so you must of done something to her!" I yelled at him pounding on his chest, he lookrd down at me in cobfusion. "I did see her last night and she said she was going back to your pack i dont know why she's not there.." He said backing a few steps away from me, I growled lowly I could tell he was lying. "Come on lets take you back home and if I see her around anywhere I'll alert you." He said walking towards his car and getting in,I got in the car and waited to hours
To finally get home.

GOSH DANG DARN IT IM SOOO SORRY, i mostly haven't been uploading because I startes school two weeks ago and that was very stressful, and mostly because I'm fucking lazy.

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