chapter 19

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Luke's pov

I stayed by alpha Darren while he was talking with other alpha's in his meeting, I still feel bad for my sister I miss her so much hopefully she is okay. An hour passed by and the alpha's left leaving Darren and I alone in his work room. "Hey Darren can I ask you a favor?" I asked suddenly, he looked up at me and raised his eyebrows. "I was wondering if if could leave the pack for awhile and see my sister?" I asked, he looked down at his papers and nodded. I sighed, and walked near the door until Darren appeared behind me. "Don't forget to tell your sister I said hi ,I'm very fond of her. I nodded and I opened the door and walked out I can't wait to see my little sis again.

Dimitri pov
I growled at Erza what is her problem and why won't she let me go. "Look dimitri I know that we where friends and your probably confused, but I had to do this I owe her brother and witches can't break promises until they are finished, I'm sorry that I have to work for him and I'm sorry for your mate." She explained, she looked genuinely sorry. "Here wear this and we can talk". She handed me a shirt and some pants, I looked up at her and growled and went behind the tree and shifted. I can out.l fully clothed and crossed my arms leaning on the tree, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "I don't wanna be a part of this promise anymore, please just kill me already dimitri i never ment to hurt your mate, please just do it that man is mean he promised me that he would help with my problems if I killed you and I don't wanna do that!" She cried, I walked up to her and hugged her letting her cry in my arms. "What did he do to you what did he make you owe him erza?" I said softly still hugging her, Erza was like a little sister to me. She looked up at me with a smile, I then felt something jab into my stomach, in looked down it was a knife. I pulled out the knife and threw it at the ground growling at her, she may be the little sister I never had but my mate comes first.

Nina's pov

I woke up back in my cell and looked down to see a note on my lap, I couldn't use my hands so I had to look down and squint to see the writing.

Dear little sister, I hope you know that I have someone taking care of your mate and he will not be coming for you, j hope you enjoy your stay here David will be "taking" care of your for awhile so enjoy the pain you deserve, when that witch kills dimitri I will make sure she brings father back to life and makes him the most powerful alpha is the entire nation.

Sincerely Jason

I look around the room to see if anyone was there, no one was there thank god. I took a deep breath and exhaled, why do I have to be the one to go threw this pain. I let let tear go down my cheek as I heard someone open the door. "Awe what's wrong, so you not like my torture?" David said kneeling down to look at me in the eyes. I shivered when he got closer and his mouth way to close my mine, he smiled and got back up satisfied that he scared me. This time he got a new tool to torture me with, his fists. He untied me and lead me to a wall, he tied me up the wall and slammed his fist into my stomach. Blood shot out of my mouth and i whimpered in pain, he smirked and then kept on hitting me there I felt my bones breaking from every punch. He finally stopped after two hours and smiled at me with fangs, what the hell i thought he was a werewolf. He saw the confusion on my face and pulled up a chair and sat in front of me. "Are you wondering why a vampire is working for a werewolf little pup?" He asked like I was a child, he then got up and stretched. "Well I'm tired don't worry little pup we will continue thus tomorrow." He then walked out of the cell leaving me still tied up the wall. I tasted metal in my mouth, I hated the taste of blood it always made me sick. It felt like every bone in my body was broken and no my skull was in horrible pain from the punches on my face. I soon blacked out from blood loss.

apparently school decided that I need to take more tests even though we have like 5 days of school left, so I never had time to do anything but hopefully this eventful chapter made up for it pls don't hate me :3 luv yall

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