chapter 16

28 4 15

Nina's pov

I looked around for the wolf that was  growling at us but it was no where to be seen. 'This can be our chance nina, just wait for dimitri to fight that wolf and run off if he isn't looking he may get hurt but he deserves it.' Gold said in my mind, I didn't think she would go that far but she was right this is my only chance. Dimitri looked worried and stood in front of me protectively, I kinda felt bad but he did deserve this. Two wolves came out of the forest, they they where both female and the both looked like their wolves had been in some wars. Dimitri shifted and then growled at them both, I stood there studying the wolves. One of the wolves lunged at dimitri and the other came running at me, my heart started beating fast and i started sprinting through the forest. My legs and sides where starting to hurt but I can't stop running, I felt myself slowing down and a wolf tackle me from behind. I was to tired to struggle and fight back so I let myself go limp, I was never the strongest or the fastest. I saw black boots in front of me, I looked up to see my brother,  the one who was left behind, the one who looked up to my father, and the one who enjoyed seeing me abused.... Jason...


I'M SOOOOO SORRY AHHH, this week has been hectic my cat died I had a crap ton of drama going on and I'm rlly sorry anyways here I'd a short chapter I promise I will get back to doing somewhat of daily chapters - jackie ♡ ~

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